If you’ve received an in-app or email error notification, here’s where you’ll find the resources you need to get things back on track.

Account and billing errors

Account Login, Password Reset, & Lockout Issues If you’re having trouble logging into your Stitch account, this is the place to start.

Payment Processing Errors Encountering errors when trying to enter your payment info into Stitch? Before you contact support, we recommend seeing if these simple fixes resolve the issue.

Integration errors

  • Connection errors - Errors arising from insufficient permissions, incorrect configuration, etc.

  • Extraction errors - Errors that arise during Extraction. These will surface in an integration’s Extraction Logs.

Connection errors

Database Integration Connection Errors Resolve errors related to connecting to a database integration.

Re-authorizing Integrations If you see a message that asks you to re-authorize an integration, it means that Stitch’s permissions to that service have been revoked.

SaaS Integration Connection Errors If Stitch is unable to connect to one of your SaaS integrations, the issue may be a security setting on the integration provider’s side.

Extraction errors

Common SaaS Integration Extraction Error Reference Extraction errors applicable to all SaaS integrations and how to resolve them.

Database Integration Extraction Error Reference Extraction errors for database integrations and how to resolve them.

Google Sheets Extraction Error Reference Extraction errors for Google Sheets integrations and how to resolve them.

Intercom Extraction Error Reference Extraction errors for Intercom integrations and how to resolve them.

NetSuite Extraction Error Reference Extraction errors for NetSuite integrations and how to resolve them.

Pardot Extraction Error Reference Extraction errors for Pardot integrations and how to resolve them.

Salesforce Extraction Error Reference Extraction errors for Salesforce integrations and how to resolve them.

Salesforce Replication & Selecting Too Many Columns If a single Salesforce object has a large number of columns set to replicate, issues with replication may arise.

Unable to Load Tables Due to Source Database Access Level Mitigate issues with tables displaying in the Tables to Replicate tab by limiting the authorizing database user’s access to source tables.

Destination errors

  • Connection errors - Errors arising from insufficient permissions, incorrect configuration, etc.

  • Loading errors - Errors that arise during Loading. These will surface in the Notifications tab and in an integration’s Loading Reports.

Connection errors

Destination Connection Error Reference Resolve errors related to connecting to your Stitch destination.

Panoply Connection Issues If you’re having trouble with setting up or connecting to your Panoply data warehouse in Stitch, try these troubleshooting steps before reaching out to support.

Loading errors

AWS & Redshift I/O Connection Errors While typically transient, I/O errors arise from connection issues between Stitch and your data warehouse. If persistent, these errors may be indicative of a larger issue.

Destination Loading Error Reference Resolve errors related to loading data into your Stitch destination.

Redshift VACUUM Errors If you received a VACUUM notification, it means that Stitch hasn’t been able to successfully complete VACUUM some tables in your data warehouse for more than 10 days.

Redshift View Dependency Errors If you’ve received a ‘Dependent Views’ error for your Redshift or Panoply data warehouse, you may need to temporarily drop dependent objects.