The errors in this guide are specific to Google Sheets integrations. Refer to the Common SaaS extraction error reference for errors common to all SaaS integrations.

These errors will surface in the integration’s Extraction Logs.

Header row contains duplicate values

DUPLICATE HEADER ERROR: SHEET: [sheet_name], COL: [column_name], CELL: [cell]
Applicable to

Google Sheets v1 integrations

Level Warning

Sheet setup

Potential cause(s)

The sheet’s header row contains duplicate values. Header row values are used to create column names and must therefore be unique, as per Stitch’s requirements.

Suggested action(s)

Modify the sheet’s header row so that all values (column names) are unique, excluding case.

For example: While customer_id and Customer_ID may be unique due to case differences, this may still cause errors during extraction and loading. For this reason, column names must be completely unique.

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Empty sheet

SKIPPING Empty sheet: [sheet_name]
Applicable to

Google Sheets v1 integrations

Level Info

Sheet setup

Potential cause(s)

The sheet doesn’t have a header row and a data row, as per Stitch’s requirements. Columns in the data row (second row) must all have non-NULL values.

Suggested action(s)

Modify the sheet so that it contains a header row in the first row and a full row of data in the second row.

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Malformed sheet

SKIPPING Malformed sheet: [sheet_name]
Applicable to

Google Sheets v1 integrations

Level Info

Sheet setup

Potential cause(s)

The sheet isn’t formatted according to Stitch’s requirements.

Suggested action(s)

Verify that the sheet meets Stitch’s requirements and modify if necessary.

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