When Stitch replicates data from a SaaS integration, it will check for the required user permissions and account configuration. If permisisons are insufficient or the source isn’t configured correctly, you may receive an error during the Extraction phase of the replication process. These errors will surface in the integration’s Extraction Logs.
Note: The errors in this reference are applicable to all SaaS integrations that support Extraction Logs. For integration-specific errors, refer to the reference for that integration.
Common extraction errors
- The process was terminated. Most often this occurs because the job has exceeded its allotted runtime. The next job will...
- A single record is larger than the Stitch API limit of 20MB
Extraction job time limit exceeded
The process was terminated. Most often this occurs because the job has exceeded its allotted runtime. The next job will run based on the integration's schedule.
Applicable to |
All integrations |
Level | Info |
Category |
Extraction job limits |
Potential cause(s) |
The extraction exceeded the maximum 24 hours limit set for individual extraction jobs. Stitch sets a maximum limit of 24 hours for individual extraction jobs. This is done to balance resource usage across Stitch, and to help prevent unexpected or unintended continuations of connections against integrations. |
Suggested action(s) |
To help decrease the runtime of extraction, we recommend de-selecting unneeded tables and columns. This will reduce the amount of data being replicated. Stitch will automatically retry extraction based on the integration’s schedule. |
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Maximum record size exceeded
A single record is larger than the Stitch API limit of 20MB
Applicable to |
All integrations |
Level | Critical |
Category |
Extraction job limits |
Potential cause(s) |
A single record exceeded the maximum size limit of 20MB. This limit is imposed by the Import API, which Stitch uses as part of the replication process. |
Suggested action(s) |
Locate the record in the source and, if possible, modify it to be less than Stitch’s limit. You can also try de-selecting columns in the table containing the record. |
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Integration-specific error references
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