This integration is powered by Singer's Mambu tap and certified by Stitch. Check out and contribute to the repo on GitHub.
For support, contact Support.
Mambu integration summary
Stitch’s Mambu integration replicates data using the Mambu v2.0 and v1.0 APIs. Refer to the Schema section for a list of objects available for replication.
Mambu feature snapshot
A high-level look at Stitch's Mambu (v4) integration, including release status, useful links, and the features supported in Stitch.
STITCH | |||
Release status |
Released on February 23, 2023 |
Supported by | |
Stitch plan |
Standard |
API availability |
Available |
Singer GitHub repository | |||
Anchor Scheduling |
Supported |
Advanced Scheduling |
Supported |
Table-level reset |
Unsupported |
Configurable Replication Methods |
Unsupported |
Table selection |
Supported |
Column selection |
Supported |
Select all |
Supported |
Extraction Logs |
Supported |
Loading Reports |
Supported |
Connecting Mambu
Mambu setup requirements
To set up Mambu in Stitch, you need:
A Mambu account with API access. The Mambu integration requires an account login with API access. In Mambu’s app, API access can be granted to any existing user.
Step 1: Add Mambu as a Stitch data source
- Sign into your Stitch account.
On the Stitch Dashboard page, click the Add Integration button.
Click the Mambu icon.
Enter a name for the integration. This is the name that will display on the Stitch Dashboard for the integration; it’ll also be used to create the schema in your destination.
For example, the name “Stitch Mambu” would create a schema called
in the destination. Note: Schema names cannot be changed after you save the integration. - In the Subdomain field, enter your Mambu subdomain. For example: If the subdomain were
, onlystitch
would be entered into this field. - In the Username and Password fields, enter the username and password of the Mambu user with Mambu API access.
Step 2: Define the historical replication start date
The Sync Historical Data setting defines the starting date for your Mambu integration. This means that data equal to or newer than this date will be replicated to your data warehouse.
Change this setting if you want to replicate data beyond Mambu’s default setting of 1 year. For a detailed look at historical replication jobs, check out the Syncing Historical SaaS Data guide.
Step 3: Create a replication schedule
In the Replication Frequency section, you’ll create the integration’s replication schedule. An integration’s replication schedule determines how often Stitch runs a replication job, and the time that job begins.
Mambu integrations support the following replication scheduling methods:
Advanced Scheduling using Cron (Advanced or Premium plans only)
To keep your row usage low, consider setting the integration to replicate less frequently. See the Understanding and Reducing Your Row Usage guide for tips on reducing your usage.
Step 4: Set objects to replicate
The last step is to select the tables and columns you want to replicate. Learn about the available tables for this integration.
Note: If a replication job is currently in progress, new selections won’t be used until the next job starts.
For Mambu integrations, you can select:
Individual tables and columns
All tables and columns
Click the tabs to view instructions for each selection method.
- In the integration’s Tables to Replicate tab, locate a table you want to replicate.
To track a table, click the checkbox next to the table’s name. A blue checkmark means the table is set to replicate.
To track a column, click the checkbox next to the column’s name. A blue checkmark means the column is set to replicate.
- Repeat this process for all the tables and columns you want to replicate.
- When finished, click the Finalize Your Selections button at the bottom of the screen to save your selections.
- Click into the integration from the Stitch Dashboard page.
Click the Tables to Replicate tab.
- In the list of tables, click the box next to the Table Names column.
In the menu that displays, click Track all Tables and Fields:
- Click the Finalize Your Selections button at the bottom of the page to save your data selections.
Initial and historical replication jobs
After you finish setting up Mambu, its Sync Status may show as Pending on either the Stitch Dashboard or in the Integration Details page.
For a new integration, a Pending status indicates that Stitch is in the process of scheduling the initial replication job for the integration. This may take some time to complete.
Initial replication jobs with Anchor Scheduling
If using Anchor Scheduling, an initial replication job may not kick off immediately. This depends on the selected Replication Frequency and Anchor Time. Refer to the Anchor Scheduling documentation for more information.
Free historical data loads
The first seven days of replication, beginning when data is first replicated, are free. Rows replicated from the new integration during this time won’t count towards your quota. Stitch offers this as a way of testing new integrations, measuring usage, and ensuring historical data volumes don’t quickly consume your quota.
Mambu table reference
Schemas and versioning
Schemas and naming conventions can change from version to version, so we recommend verifying your integration’s version before continuing.
The schema and info displayed below is for version 4 of this integration.
This is the latest version of the Mambu integration.
Table and column names in your destination
Depending on your destination, table and column names may not appear as they are outlined below.
For example: Object names are lowercased in Redshift (CusTomERs
> customers
), while case is maintained in PostgreSQL destinations (CusTomERs
> CusTomERs
). Refer to the Loading Guide for your destination for more info.
This table contains information about activities.
Key-based Incremental |
Primary Key |
encoded_key |
Replication Key |
timestamp |
Useful links |
Join activities with | on |
clients |
activities.client_key = clients.encoded_key activities.user_key = clients.assigned_user_key |
communications |
activities.client_key = communications.client_key activities.user_key = communications.user_key activities.user_key = communications.sender_key |
groups |
activities.client_key = groups.group_members.client_key activities.user_key = groups.assigned_user_key |
deposit_transactions |
activities.user_key = deposit_transactions.user_key |
gl_journal_entries |
activities.user_key = gl_journal_entries.user_key |
loan_accounts |
activities.user_key = loan_accounts.assigned_user_key |
loan_transactions |
activities.user_key = loan_transactions.user_key |
tasks |
activities.user_key = tasks.created_by_user_key activities.user_key = tasks.assigned_user_key |
users |
activities.user_key = users.encoded_key |
assigned_centre_key STRING |
assigned_user_key STRING |
branch_key STRING |
branch_name STRING |
centre_key STRING |
centre_name STRING |
client_key STRING |
client_name STRING |
encoded_key STRING |
gl_account_key STRING |
gl_accounts_closure_key STRING |
group_key STRING |
group_name STRING |
line_of_credit_key STRING |
loan_account_key STRING |
loan_account_name STRING |
loan_product_key STRING |
loan_product_name STRING |
notes STRING |
savings_account_key STRING |
savings_account_name STRING |
savings_product_key STRING |
savings_product_name STRING |
task_key STRING |
task_name STRING |
timestamp DATE-TIME |
transaction_id INTEGER |
type STRING |
user_key STRING |
user_name STRING |
This table contains information about activities that have been performed in the Mambu Core Banking system.
Key-based Incremental |
Replication Key |
occurred_at |
Useful links |
client_ip STRING |
event_source STRING |
occurred_at DATE-TIME |
request_method STRING |
request_payload STRING |
request_uri STRING |
resource STRING |
resource_fragment STRING |
response_code NUMBER |
response_payload STRING |
user_agent STRING |
username STRING |
This table contains information about branches.
Key-based Incremental |
Primary Key |
id |
Replication Key |
last_modified_date |
Useful links |
Join branches with | on |
centres |
branches.encoded_key = centres.assigned_branch_key |
deposit_transactions |
branches.encoded_key = deposit_transactions.branch_key |
groups |
branches.encoded_key = groups.assigned_branch_key |
loan_accounts |
branches.encoded_key = loan_accounts.assigned_branch_key |
loan_transactions |
branches.encoded_key = loan_transactions.branch_key |
users |
branches.encoded_key = users.access.managed_branches.branch_key |
creation_date DATE-TIME |
custom_fields ARRAY |
email_address STRING |
encoded_key STRING |
last_modified_date DATE-TIME |
name STRING |
notes STRING |
phone_number STRING |
state STRING |
This table contains information about cards.
Note: In order to replicate this table, you must also set the deposit-account table to replicate.
Full Table |
Primary Keys |
deposit_id reference_token |
deposit-account |
Useful links |
deposit_id STRING |
reference_token STRING |
This table contains information about centres.
Key-based Incremental |
Primary Key |
id |
Replication Key |
last_modified_date |
Useful links |
Join centres with | on |
branches |
centres.assigned_branch_key = branches.encoded_key |
deposit_transactions |
centres.assigned_branch_key = deposit_transactions.branch_key centres.encoded_key = deposit_transactions.centre_key |
groups |
centres.assigned_branch_key = groups.assigned_branch_key centres.encoded_key = groups.assigned_centre_key |
loan_accounts |
centres.assigned_branch_key = loan_accounts.assigned_branch_key centres.encoded_key = loan_accounts.assigned_centre_key |
loan_transactions |
centres.assigned_branch_key = loan_transactions.branch_key centres.encoded_key = loan_transactions.centre_key |
users |
centres.assigned_branch_key = users.access.managed_branches.branch_key |
clients |
centres.encoded_key = clients.assigned_centre_key |
assigned_branch_key STRING |
creation_date DATE-TIME |
custom_fields ARRAY |
encoded_key STRING |
last_modified_date DATE-TIME |
meeting_day STRING |
name STRING |
notes STRING |
state STRING |
This table contains information about clients.
Full Table |
Primary Key |
id |
Useful links |
Join clients with | on |
centres |
clients.assigned_centre_key = centres.encoded_key |
deposit_transactions |
clients.assigned_centre_key = deposit_transactions.centre_key clients.assigned_user_key = deposit_transactions.user_key |
groups |
clients.assigned_centre_key = groups.assigned_centre_key clients.encoded_key = groups.group_members.client_key clients.assigned_user_key = groups.assigned_user_key |
loan_accounts |
clients.assigned_centre_key = loan_accounts.assigned_centre_key clients.assigned_user_key = loan_accounts.assigned_user_key |
loan_transactions |
clients.assigned_centre_key = loan_transactions.centre_key clients.assigned_user_key = loan_transactions.user_key |
activities |
clients.encoded_key = activities.client_key clients.assigned_user_key = activities.user_key |
communications |
clients.encoded_key = communications.client_key clients.assigned_user_key = communications.user_key clients.assigned_user_key = communications.sender_key |
gl_journal_entries |
clients.assigned_user_key = gl_journal_entries.user_key |
tasks |
clients.assigned_user_key = tasks.created_by_user_key clients.assigned_user_key = tasks.assigned_user_key |
users |
clients.assigned_user_key = users.encoded_key |
activation_date DATE-TIME |
approved_date DATE-TIME |
assigned_branch_key STRING |
assigned_centre_key STRING |
assigned_user_key STRING |
birth_date DATE |
client_role_key STRING |
closed_date DATE-TIME |
creation_date DATE-TIME |
custom_fields ARRAY |
email_address STRING |
encoded_key STRING |
first_name STRING |
gender STRING |
group_loan_cycle INTEGER |
home_phone STRING |
last_modified_date DATE-TIME |
last_name STRING |
loan_cycle INTEGER |
middle_name STRING |
migration_event_key STRING |
mobile_phone STRING |
mobile_phone2 STRING |
notes STRING |
portal_settings OBJECT
preferred_language STRING |
profile_picture_key STRING |
profile_signature_key STRING |
state STRING |
This table contains information about communications.
Key-based Incremental |
Primary Key |
encoded_key |
Replication Key |
creation_date |
Useful links |
Join communications with | on |
activities |
communications.client_key = activities.client_key communications.user_key = activities.user_key communications.sender_key = activities.user_key |
clients |
communications.client_key = clients.encoded_key communications.user_key = clients.assigned_user_key communications.sender_key = clients.assigned_user_key |
groups |
communications.client_key = groups.group_members.client_key communications.group_key = groups.encoded_key communications.user_key = groups.assigned_user_key communications.sender_key = groups.assigned_user_key |
deposit_accounts |
communications.deposit_account_key = deposit_accounts.encoded_key |
loan_accounts |
communications.deposit_account_key = loan_accounts.disbursement_details.transaction_details.target_deposit_account_key communications.deposit_account_key = loan_accounts.funding_sources.deposit_account_key communications.deposit_account_key = loan_accounts.guarantors.deposit_account_key communications.loan_account_key = loan_accounts.encoded_key communications.user_key = loan_accounts.assigned_user_key communications.sender_key = loan_accounts.assigned_user_key |
deposit_transactions |
communications.user_key = deposit_transactions.user_key communications.sender_key = deposit_transactions.user_key |
gl_journal_entries |
communications.user_key = gl_journal_entries.user_key communications.sender_key = gl_journal_entries.user_key |
loan_transactions |
communications.user_key = loan_transactions.user_key communications.sender_key = loan_transactions.user_key |
tasks |
communications.user_key = tasks.created_by_user_key communications.sender_key = tasks.created_by_user_key communications.user_key = tasks.assigned_user_key communications.sender_key = tasks.assigned_user_key |
users |
communications.user_key = users.encoded_key communications.sender_key = users.encoded_key |
body STRING |
client_key STRING |
creation_date DATE-TIME |
custom_fields ARRAY |
deposit_account_key STRING |
destination STRING |
encoded_key STRING |
event STRING |
failure_cause STRING |
failure_reason STRING |
group_key STRING |
loan_account_key STRING |
num_retries INTEGER |
reference_id STRING |
repayment_key STRING |
send_date DATE-TIME |
sender_key STRING |
state STRING |
subject STRING |
template_key STRING |
type STRING |
user_key STRING |
This table contains information about credit arrangements.
Key-based Incremental |
Primary Key |
id |
Replication Key |
last_modified_date |
Useful links |
Join credit_arrangements with | on |
deposit_accounts |
credit_arrangements.encoded_key = deposit_accounts.credit_arrangement_key |
loan_accounts |
credit_arrangements.encoded_key = loan_accounts.credit_arrangement_key |
amount NUMBER |
approved_date DATE-TIME |
available_credit_amount NUMBER |
closed_date DATE-TIME |
consumed_credit_amount NUMBER |
creation_date DATE-TIME |
currency OBJECT
custom_fields ARRAY |
encoded_key STRING |
expire_date DATE-TIME |
exposure_limit_type STRING |
holder_key STRING |
holder_type STRING |
last_modified_date DATE-TIME |
notes STRING |
start_date DATE-TIME |
state STRING |
sub_state STRING |
This table contains information about custom field sets.
Full Table |
Primary Key |
id |
Useful links |
available_for STRING |
creation_date DATE-TIME |
custom_fields ARRAY |
dependent_field_key STRING |
display_settings OBJECT
edit_rights OBJECT
encoded_key STRING |
last_modified_date DATE-TIME |
state STRING |
type STRING |
value_validation_settings OBJECT
view_rights OBJECT
This table contains information about deposit accounts.
Key-based Incremental |
Primary Key |
id |
Replication Key |
last_modified_date |
Useful links |
Join deposit_accounts with | on |
credit_arrangements |
deposit_accounts.credit_arrangement_key = credit_arrangements.encoded_key |
loan_accounts |
deposit_accounts.credit_arrangement_key = loan_accounts.credit_arrangement_key deposit_accounts.encoded_key = loan_accounts.disbursement_details.transaction_details.target_deposit_account_key deposit_accounts.encoded_key = loan_accounts.funding_sources.deposit_account_key deposit_accounts.encoded_key = loan_accounts.guarantors.deposit_account_key |
communications |
deposit_accounts.encoded_key = communications.deposit_account_key |
account_holder_key STRING |
account_holder_type STRING |
account_state STRING |
account_type STRING |
accrued_amounts OBJECT
activation_date DATE-TIME |
approved_date DATE-TIME |
assigned_branch_key STRING |
assigned_centre_key STRING |
assigned_user_key STRING |
balances OBJECT
closed_date DATE-TIME |
creation_date DATE-TIME |
credit_arrangement_key STRING |
currency_code STRING |
custom_fields ARRAY |
encoded_key STRING |
interest_settings OBJECT
internal_controls OBJECT
last_account_appraisal_date DATE-TIME |
last_interest_calculation_date DATE-TIME |
last_interest_stored_date DATE-TIME |
last_modified_date DATE-TIME |
last_overdraft_interest_review_date DATE-TIME |
last_set_to_arrears_date DATE-TIME |
locked_date DATE-TIME |
maturity_date DATE-TIME |
migration_event_key STRING |
name STRING |
notes STRING |
overdraft_interest_settings OBJECT
overdraft_settings OBJECT
product_type_key STRING |
withholding_tax_source_key STRING |
This table contains information about deposit (savings) products.
Key-based Incremental |
Primary Key |
id |
Replication Key |
last_modified_date |
Useful links |
accounting_settings OBJECT
availability_settings OBJECT
category STRING |
creation_date DATE-TIME |
credit_arrangement_settings OBJECT
currency_settings OBJECT
custom_fields ARRAY |
encoded_key STRING |
fees_settings OBJECT
interest_settings OBJECT
internal_controls OBJECT
last_modified_date DATE-TIME |
maturity_settings OBJECT
name STRING |
new_account_settings OBJECT
notes STRING |
offset_settings OBJECT
overdraft_interest_settings OBJECT
overdraft_settings OBJECT
state STRING |
tax_settings OBJECT
type STRING |
This table contains information about deposit transactions.
Key-based Incremental |
Primary Key |
encoded_key |
Replication Key |
creation_date |
Useful links |
Join deposit_transactions with | on |
branches |
deposit_transactions.branch_key = branches.encoded_key |
centres |
deposit_transactions.branch_key = centres.assigned_branch_key deposit_transactions.centre_key = centres.encoded_key |
groups |
deposit_transactions.branch_key = groups.assigned_branch_key deposit_transactions.centre_key = groups.assigned_centre_key deposit_transactions.user_key = groups.assigned_user_key |
loan_accounts |
deposit_transactions.branch_key = loan_accounts.assigned_branch_key deposit_transactions.centre_key = loan_accounts.assigned_centre_key deposit_transactions.user_key = loan_accounts.assigned_user_key |
loan_transactions |
deposit_transactions.branch_key = loan_transactions.branch_key deposit_transactions.centre_key = loan_transactions.centre_key deposit_transactions.transfer_details.linked_deposit_transaction_key = loan_transactions.transfer_details.linked_deposit_transaction_key deposit_transactions.transfer_details.linked_loan_transaction_key = loan_transactions.encoded_key deposit_transactions.transfer_details.linked_loan_transaction_key = loan_transactions.parent_loan_transaction_key deposit_transactions.transfer_details.linked_loan_transaction_key = loan_transactions.transfer_details.linked_loan_transaction_key deposit_transactions.user_key = loan_transactions.user_key |
users |
deposit_transactions.branch_key = users.access.managed_branches.branch_key deposit_transactions.user_key = users.encoded_key |
clients |
deposit_transactions.centre_key = clients.assigned_centre_key deposit_transactions.user_key = clients.assigned_user_key |
activities |
deposit_transactions.user_key = activities.user_key |
communications |
deposit_transactions.user_key = communications.user_key deposit_transactions.user_key = communications.sender_key |
gl_journal_entries |
deposit_transactions.user_key = gl_journal_entries.user_key |
tasks |
deposit_transactions.user_key = tasks.created_by_user_key deposit_transactions.user_key = tasks.assigned_user_key |
account_balances OBJECT
adjustment_transaction_key STRING |
affected_amounts OBJECT
amount NUMBER |
block_id STRING |
booking_date DATE-TIME |
branch_key STRING |
card_transaction OBJECT
centre_key STRING |
creation_date DATE-TIME |
currency_code STRING |
custom_fields ARRAY |
encoded_key STRING |
external_id STRING |
hold_external_reference_id STRING |
interest_accrued_amounts OBJECT
migration_event_key STRING |
notes STRING |
original_transaction_key STRING |
parent_account_key STRING |
payment_details OBJECT
payment_order_id STRING |
taxes OBJECT
terms OBJECT
till_key STRING |
transaction_details OBJECT
transfer_details OBJECT
type STRING |
user_key STRING |
value_date DATE-TIME |
This table contains information about general ledger accounts.
Key-based Incremental |
Primary Key |
gl_code |
Replication Key |
last_modified_date |
Useful links |
Join gl_accounts with | on |
gl_journal_entries |
gl_accounts.gl_code = gl_journal_entries.gl_account.gl_code |
activated BOOLEAN |
allow_manual_journal_entries BOOLEAN |
balance NUMBER |
creation_date DATE-TIME |
currency OBJECT
custom_fields ARRAY |
description STRING |
encoded_key STRING |
gl_code STRING |
last_modified_date DATE-TIME |
migration_event_key STRING |
name STRING |
strip_trailing_zeros BOOLEAN |
type STRING |
usage STRING |
This table contains information about general ledger entries.
Key-based Incremental |
Primary Key |
entry_id |
Replication Key |
booking_date |
Useful links |
Join gl_journal_entries with | on |
gl_accounts |
gl_journal_entries.gl_account.gl_code = gl_accounts.gl_code |
activities |
gl_journal_entries.user_key = activities.user_key |
clients |
gl_journal_entries.user_key = clients.assigned_user_key |
communications |
gl_journal_entries.user_key = communications.user_key gl_journal_entries.user_key = communications.sender_key |
deposit_transactions |
gl_journal_entries.user_key = deposit_transactions.user_key |
groups |
gl_journal_entries.user_key = groups.assigned_user_key |
loan_accounts |
gl_journal_entries.user_key = loan_accounts.assigned_user_key |
loan_transactions |
gl_journal_entries.user_key = loan_transactions.user_key |
tasks |
gl_journal_entries.user_key = tasks.created_by_user_key gl_journal_entries.user_key = tasks.assigned_user_key |
users |
gl_journal_entries.user_key = users.encoded_key |
account_key STRING |
amount NUMBER |
assigned_branch_key STRING |
booking_date DATE-TIME |
creation_date DATE-TIME |
custom_fields ARRAY |
encoded_key STRING |
entry_id INTEGER |
foreign_amount OBJECT
gl_account OBJECT
notes STRING |
product_key STRING |
product_type STRING |
reversal_entry_key STRING |
transaction_id STRING |
type STRING |
user_key STRING |
This table contains information about groups.
Key-based Incremental |
Primary Key |
id |
Replication Key |
last_modified_date |
Useful links |
Join groups with | on |
branches |
groups.assigned_branch_key = branches.encoded_key |
centres |
groups.assigned_branch_key = centres.assigned_branch_key groups.assigned_centre_key = centres.encoded_key |
deposit_transactions |
groups.assigned_branch_key = deposit_transactions.branch_key groups.assigned_centre_key = deposit_transactions.centre_key groups.assigned_user_key = deposit_transactions.user_key |
loan_accounts |
groups.assigned_branch_key = loan_accounts.assigned_branch_key groups.assigned_centre_key = loan_accounts.assigned_centre_key groups.assigned_user_key = loan_accounts.assigned_user_key |
loan_transactions |
groups.assigned_branch_key = loan_transactions.branch_key groups.assigned_centre_key = loan_transactions.centre_key groups.assigned_user_key = loan_transactions.user_key |
users |
groups.assigned_branch_key = users.access.managed_branches.branch_key groups.assigned_user_key = users.encoded_key |
clients |
groups.assigned_centre_key = clients.assigned_centre_key groups.group_members.client_key = clients.encoded_key groups.assigned_user_key = clients.assigned_user_key |
activities |
groups.group_members.client_key = activities.client_key groups.assigned_user_key = activities.user_key |
communications |
groups.group_members.client_key = communications.client_key groups.encoded_key = communications.group_key groups.assigned_user_key = communications.user_key groups.assigned_user_key = communications.sender_key |
gl_journal_entries |
groups.assigned_user_key = gl_journal_entries.user_key |
tasks |
groups.assigned_user_key = tasks.created_by_user_key groups.assigned_user_key = tasks.assigned_user_key |
assigned_branch_key STRING |
assigned_centre_key STRING |
assigned_user_key STRING |
creation_date DATE-TIME |
custom_fields ARRAY |
email_address STRING |
encoded_key STRING |
group_name STRING |
group_role_key STRING |
home_phone STRING |
last_modified_date DATE-TIME |
loan_cycle INTEGER |
migration_event_key STRING |
mobile_phone STRING |
notes STRING |
preferred_language STRING |
This table contains information about index rate sources.
Full Table |
Primary Key |
encoded_key |
Useful links |
custom_fields ARRAY |
encoded_key STRING |
name STRING |
notes STRING |
type STRING |
This table contains information about installments for a loan.
Key-based Incremental |
Primary Key |
encoded_key |
Replication Key |
last_paid_date |
Useful links |
custom_fields ARRAY |
due_date DATE-TIME |
encoded_key STRING |
interest OBJECT
is_payment_holiday BOOLEAN |
last_paid_date DATE-TIME |
number STRING |
parent_account_key STRING |
penalty OBJECT
principal OBJECT
repaid_date DATE-TIME |
state STRING |
This table contains information about interest accruals.
Key-based Incremental |
Primary Key |
entry_id |
Replication Key |
creation_date |
Useful links |
account_id STRING |
account_key STRING |
amount NUMBER |
booking_date DATE-TIME |
branch_key STRING |
branch_name STRING |
creation_date DATE-TIME |
custom_fields ARRAY |
entry_id INTEGER |
entry_type STRING |
foreign_amount OBJECT
gl_account_id STRING |
gl_account_key STRING |
gl_account_name STRING |
gl_account_type STRING |
parent_entry_id INTEGER |
product_id STRING |
product_key STRING |
product_type STRING |
transaction_id STRING |
This table contains information about Loan Accounts.
Key-based Incremental |
Primary Key |
id |
Replication Key |
last_modified_date |
Useful links |
Join loan_accounts with | on |
branches |
loan_accounts.assigned_branch_key = branches.encoded_key |
centres |
loan_accounts.assigned_branch_key = centres.assigned_branch_key loan_accounts.assigned_centre_key = centres.encoded_key |
deposit_transactions |
loan_accounts.assigned_branch_key = deposit_transactions.branch_key loan_accounts.assigned_centre_key = deposit_transactions.centre_key loan_accounts.assigned_user_key = deposit_transactions.user_key |
groups |
loan_accounts.assigned_branch_key = groups.assigned_branch_key loan_accounts.assigned_centre_key = groups.assigned_centre_key loan_accounts.assigned_user_key = groups.assigned_user_key |
loan_transactions |
loan_accounts.assigned_branch_key = loan_transactions.branch_key loan_accounts.assigned_centre_key = loan_transactions.centre_key loan_accounts.assigned_user_key = loan_transactions.user_key |
users |
loan_accounts.assigned_branch_key = users.access.managed_branches.branch_key loan_accounts.assigned_user_key = users.encoded_key |
clients |
loan_accounts.assigned_centre_key = clients.assigned_centre_key loan_accounts.assigned_user_key = clients.assigned_user_key |
credit_arrangements |
loan_accounts.credit_arrangement_key = credit_arrangements.encoded_key |
deposit_accounts |
loan_accounts.credit_arrangement_key = deposit_accounts.credit_arrangement_key loan_accounts.disbursement_details.transaction_details.target_deposit_account_key = deposit_accounts.encoded_key loan_accounts.funding_sources.deposit_account_key = deposit_accounts.encoded_key loan_accounts.guarantors.deposit_account_key = deposit_accounts.encoded_key |
communications |
loan_accounts.disbursement_details.transaction_details.target_deposit_account_key = communications.deposit_account_key loan_accounts.funding_sources.deposit_account_key = communications.deposit_account_key loan_accounts.guarantors.deposit_account_key = communications.deposit_account_key loan_accounts.encoded_key = communications.loan_account_key loan_accounts.assigned_user_key = communications.user_key loan_accounts.assigned_user_key = communications.sender_key |
activities |
loan_accounts.assigned_user_key = activities.user_key |
gl_journal_entries |
loan_accounts.assigned_user_key = gl_journal_entries.user_key |
tasks |
loan_accounts.assigned_user_key = tasks.created_by_user_key loan_accounts.assigned_user_key = tasks.assigned_user_key |
account_arrears_settings OBJECT
account_holder_key STRING |
account_holder_type STRING |
account_state STRING |
account_sub_state STRING |
accrued_interest NUMBER |
accrued_penalty NUMBER |
activation_transaction_key STRING |
allow_offset BOOLEAN |
approved_date DATE-TIME |
arrears_tolerance_period INTEGER |
assigned_branch_key STRING |
assigned_centre_key STRING |
assigned_user_key STRING |
balances OBJECT
closed_date DATE-TIME |
creation_date DATE-TIME |
credit_arrangement_key STRING |
currency OBJECT
custom_fields ARRAY |
days_in_arrears INTEGER |
days_late INTEGER |
disbursement_details OBJECT
encoded_key STRING |
future_payments_acceptance STRING |
interest_accrued_in_billing_cycle NUMBER |
interest_commission NUMBER |
interest_from_arrears_accrued NUMBER |
interest_settings OBJECT
last_account_appraisal_date DATE-TIME |
last_interest_applied_date DATE-TIME |
last_interest_review_date DATE-TIME |
last_locked_date DATE-TIME |
last_modified_date DATE-TIME |
last_set_to_arrears_date DATE-TIME |
last_tax_rate_review_date DATE-TIME |
late_payments_recalculation_method STRING |
loan_amount NUMBER |
loan_name STRING |
migration_event_key STRING |
modify_interest_for_first_installment BOOLEAN |
notes STRING |
original_account_key STRING |
payment_holidays_accrued_interest NUMBER |
payment_method STRING |
penalty_settings OBJECT
prepayment_settings OBJECT
principal_payment_settings OBJECT
product_type_key STRING |
redraw_settings OBJECT
rescheduled_account_key STRING |
schedule_settings OBJECT
settlement_account_key STRING |
tax_rate NUMBER |
termination_date DATE-TIME |
This table contains information about loan products.
Key-based Incremental |
Primary Key |
id |
Replication Key |
last_modified_date |
Useful links |
account_link_settings OBJECT
accounting_settings OBJECT
adjust_interest_for_first_installment BOOLEAN |
allow_custom_repayment_allocation BOOLEAN |
arrears_settings OBJECT
availability_settings OBJECT
category STRING |
creation_date DATE-TIME |
credit_arrangement_settings OBJECT
currency OBJECT
custom_fields ARRAY |
encoded_key STRING |
fees_settings OBJECT
funding_settings OBJECT
grace_period_settings OBJECT
interest_settings OBJECT
internal_controls OBJECT
last_modified_date DATE-TIME |
loan_amount_settings OBJECT
name STRING |
new_account_settings OBJECT
notes STRING |
offset_settings OBJECT
payment_settings OBJECT
penalty_settings OBJECT
redraw_settings OBJECT
schedule_settings OBJECT
security_settings OBJECT
state STRING |
tax_settings OBJECT
type STRING |
This is a child table of loan_accounts
, containing information exclusively about loan repayments.
Note: In order to replicate this table, you must also set the loan-account table to replicate.
Full Table |
Primary Key |
encoded_key |
loan-account |
Useful links |
assigned_branch_key STRING |
assigned_centre_key STRING |
assigned_user_key STRING |
due_date DATE-TIME |
encoded_key STRING |
fees_applied_due NUMBER |
fees_due NUMBER |
fees_paid NUMBER |
fees_unapplied_due NUMBER |
funders_interest_due NUMBER |
index NUMBER |
interest_due NUMBER |
interest_paid NUMBER |
last_paid_date DATE-TIME |
last_penalty_applied_date DATE-TIME |
notes STRING |
organization_commission_due NUMBER |
parent_account_key STRING |
penalty_due NUMBER |
penalty_paid NUMBER |
principal_due NUMBER |
principal_paid NUMBER |
repaid_date DATE-TIME |
state STRING |
tax_fees_due NUMBER |
tax_fees_paid NUMBER |
tax_interest_due NUMBER |
tax_interest_paid NUMBER |
tax_penalty_due NUMBER |
tax_penalty_paid NUMBER |
This table contains information about loan transactions.
Key-based Incremental |
Primary Key |
encoded_key |
Replication Key |
creation_date |
Useful links |
Join loan_transactions with | on |
branches |
loan_transactions.branch_key = branches.encoded_key |
centres |
loan_transactions.branch_key = centres.assigned_branch_key loan_transactions.centre_key = centres.encoded_key |
deposit_transactions |
loan_transactions.branch_key = deposit_transactions.branch_key loan_transactions.centre_key = deposit_transactions.centre_key loan_transactions.transfer_details.linked_deposit_transaction_key = deposit_transactions.transfer_details.linked_deposit_transaction_key loan_transactions.encoded_key = deposit_transactions.transfer_details.linked_loan_transaction_key loan_transactions.parent_loan_transaction_key = deposit_transactions.transfer_details.linked_loan_transaction_key loan_transactions.transfer_details.linked_loan_transaction_key = deposit_transactions.transfer_details.linked_loan_transaction_key loan_transactions.user_key = deposit_transactions.user_key |
groups |
loan_transactions.branch_key = groups.assigned_branch_key loan_transactions.centre_key = groups.assigned_centre_key loan_transactions.user_key = groups.assigned_user_key |
loan_accounts |
loan_transactions.branch_key = loan_accounts.assigned_branch_key loan_transactions.centre_key = loan_accounts.assigned_centre_key loan_transactions.user_key = loan_accounts.assigned_user_key |
users |
loan_transactions.branch_key = users.access.managed_branches.branch_key loan_transactions.user_key = users.encoded_key |
clients |
loan_transactions.centre_key = clients.assigned_centre_key loan_transactions.user_key = clients.assigned_user_key |
activities |
loan_transactions.user_key = activities.user_key |
communications |
loan_transactions.user_key = communications.user_key loan_transactions.user_key = communications.sender_key |
gl_journal_entries |
loan_transactions.user_key = gl_journal_entries.user_key |
tasks |
loan_transactions.user_key = tasks.created_by_user_key loan_transactions.user_key = tasks.assigned_user_key |
account_balances OBJECT
adjustment_transaction_key STRING |
affected_amounts OBJECT
amount NUMBER |
booking_date DATE-TIME |
branch_key STRING |
card_transaction OBJECT
centre_key STRING |
creation_date DATE-TIME |
currency OBJECT
custom_fields ARRAY |
encoded_key STRING |
external_id STRING |
installment_encoded_key STRING |
migration_event_key STRING |
notes STRING |
original_amount NUMBER |
original_currency_code STRING |
original_transaction_key STRING |
parent_account_key STRING |
parent_loan_transaction_key STRING |
prepayment_recalculation_method STRING |
taxes OBJECT
terms OBJECT
till_key STRING |
transaction_details OBJECT
transfer_details OBJECT
type STRING |
user_key STRING |
value_date DATE-TIME |
This table contains information about tasks.
Key-based Incremental |
Primary Key |
id |
Replication Key |
last_modified_date |
Useful links |
Join tasks with | on |
activities |
tasks.created_by_user_key = activities.user_key tasks.assigned_user_key = activities.user_key |
clients |
tasks.created_by_user_key = clients.assigned_user_key tasks.assigned_user_key = clients.assigned_user_key |
communications |
tasks.created_by_user_key = communications.user_key tasks.assigned_user_key = communications.user_key tasks.created_by_user_key = communications.sender_key tasks.assigned_user_key = communications.sender_key |
deposit_transactions |
tasks.created_by_user_key = deposit_transactions.user_key tasks.assigned_user_key = deposit_transactions.user_key |
gl_journal_entries |
tasks.created_by_user_key = gl_journal_entries.user_key tasks.assigned_user_key = gl_journal_entries.user_key |
groups |
tasks.created_by_user_key = groups.assigned_user_key tasks.assigned_user_key = groups.assigned_user_key |
loan_accounts |
tasks.created_by_user_key = loan_accounts.assigned_user_key tasks.assigned_user_key = loan_accounts.assigned_user_key |
loan_transactions |
tasks.created_by_user_key = loan_transactions.user_key tasks.assigned_user_key = loan_transactions.user_key |
users |
tasks.created_by_user_key = users.encoded_key tasks.assigned_user_key = users.encoded_key |
assigned_user_key STRING |
created_by_full_name STRING |
created_by_user_key STRING |
creation_date DATE-TIME |
custom_fields ARRAY |
description STRING |
due_date DATE |
encoded_key STRING |
last_modified_date DATE-TIME |
status STRING |
task_link_key STRING |
task_link_type STRING |
template_key STRING |
title STRING |
This table contains information about users.
Key-based Incremental |
Primary Key |
id |
Replication Key |
last_modified_date |
Useful links |
Join users with | on |
branches |
users.access.managed_branches.branch_key = branches.encoded_key |
centres |
users.access.managed_branches.branch_key = centres.assigned_branch_key |
deposit_transactions |
users.access.managed_branches.branch_key = deposit_transactions.branch_key users.encoded_key = deposit_transactions.user_key |
groups |
users.access.managed_branches.branch_key = groups.assigned_branch_key users.encoded_key = groups.assigned_user_key |
loan_accounts |
users.access.managed_branches.branch_key = loan_accounts.assigned_branch_key users.encoded_key = loan_accounts.assigned_user_key |
loan_transactions |
users.access.managed_branches.branch_key = loan_transactions.branch_key users.encoded_key = loan_transactions.user_key |
activities |
users.encoded_key = activities.user_key |
clients |
users.encoded_key = clients.assigned_user_key |
communications |
users.encoded_key = communications.user_key users.encoded_key = communications.sender_key |
gl_journal_entries |
users.encoded_key = gl_journal_entries.user_key |
tasks |
users.encoded_key = tasks.created_by_user_key users.encoded_key = tasks.assigned_user_key |
access OBJECT
assigned_branch_key STRING |
creation_date DATE-TIME |
custom_fields ARRAY |
encoded_key STRING |
first_name STRING |
home_phone STRING |
language STRING |
last_logged_in_date DATE-TIME |
last_modified_date DATE-TIME |
last_name STRING |
mobile_phone STRING |
notes STRING |
title STRING |
transaction_limits OBJECT |
two_factor_authentication BOOLEAN |
user_state STRING |
username STRING |
Related | Troubleshooting |
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