
The Stitch Connect API enables users to programmatically access and manage their Stitch accounts, or Stitch partners to seamlessly integrate Stitch’s data pipleine functionality into their own platforms.

This API is a RESTful, resource-oriented API that allows you to programmatically provision Stitch accounts, create and modify data sources, and configure destination connections.

Each endpoint uses standard HTTP verbs like GET and POST, and will return standard HTTP response codes to indicate request status or errors.

We built the API to accept and return JSON in all responses, including errors.

API functionality

Using the API, you can:

  • Create Stitch client accounts (Partners only)

  • Access Stitch client accounts

  • Retrieve configuration info for destinations

  • Create, update, and delete destinations

  • Retrieve configuration info for data sources

  • Create, update, pause, unpause, and delete data sources

  • Retrieve connection check results for a data source

  • Select and configure streams and fields from data sources for replication

  • Start and stop replication jobs

  • Retrieve status info about recent extraction jobs

  • Retrieve status info about recent data loading attempts

  • Create, pause, unpause, and delete notification settings for a Stitch client account

Tutorials and resources

Check out the tutorials and resources to learn more about using Stitch Connect.

Accessing the API

To use the API, you’ll need to obtain an API access token. This is necessary for authenticating successfully. Refer to the Authentication section for more info.


Partner ID

The unique ID for your partner application, obtained after an interest form is submitted to and approved by Stitch.

Partner key

The key associated with your partner application, obtained after an interest form is submitted to and approved by Stitch.


An organization that utilizes Stitch Connect to programmatically create and/or manage Stitch client accounts on behalf of their users.

Stitch client account

An individual account for the Stitch web application.

Client account access token

An API access token associated with a single Stitch client account. This token must be passed into the header of every request made to the API for the Stitch client account.

Ephemeral token

A token that is passed to the Connect JavaScript Client to create a session.

Ephemeral tokens expire one hour after generation. When specified as an argument in a Connect JavaScript function, the ephemeral token is exchanged for a session token, creating a temporary Stitch session for the user. The session expires once terminated or 12 hours after its creation.


Destination is the Stitch word for ‘data warehouse.’ A data warehouse is a central repository for data accumulated from a variety of sources.


A browser session in the Stitch web application.


A database, API, or other data application that Stitch replicates data from. Outside of Connect, known as an ‘integration’.


A table in a data source.

Connection check

A test performed by Stitch that checks the configuration of a source’s connection parameters.

Replication job

The three-step process by which Stitch replicates data. A replication job includes three distinct steps: Extraction, preparation, and loading.

Structure sync

The first step in the replication process, this process takes place during the Extraction phase of a replication job. A structure sync detects the tables and columns available in the source, along with any changes to the structure of those tables and columns. This is also referred to as discovery.


Authenticate your calls to the API by providing an access token in your requests. Each access token is associated with a single Stitch client account. Access tokens do not expire, but they may be revoked by the user at any time.

Additionally, each request’s permissions are limited to that Stitch client account.

In the examples in this documentation, we use bearer auth:

GET /v4/sources
curl "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

All requests must be made over HTTPS or they will fail. API requests that don’t contain authentication will also fail.

Obtain an API access token

How you obtain an access token depends on the type of user you are:

Individual Stitch user

You will be using the API to programmatically control your own Stitch client account. You can create, revoke, and delete API access tokens on the Account Settings page of your Stitch client account.

Stitch partner

You’ll be performing actions in Stitch client accounts on behalf of users who authorize your API client. You’ll need to register as an API client and refer to the Partner API Authentication guide for instructions.

Credential reference

This section contains a list of the different credentials refered to throughout the Connect documentation.

Name Prefix Details
API access token ac_
  • Definition: An API access token associated with a single Stitch client account. This token must be passed into the header of every request made to the API for the Stitch client account.

  • Required for: All API requests, except for Create an account

  • Obtained by: Refer to the Obtain an API access token section

  • Expiration: None

Partner ID oc_
  • Definition: The unique ID for your partner application, obtained after an interest form is submitted to and approved by Stitch.

  • Required for: Requests to the Create an account endpoint

  • Obtained by: Submitting an interest form and being approved by Stitch as a partner

  • Expiration: None

Partner secret oc_
  • Definition: The key associated with your partner application, obtained after an interest form is submitted to and approved by Stitch.

  • Required for: Requests to the Create an account endpoint

  • Obtained by: Submitting an interest form and being approved by Stitch as a partner

  • Expiration: None

Ephemeral token Not applicable
  • Definition: A token passed to the Connect JavaScript client to create a session in the Stitch web application and log a user into a Stitch client account.

  • Required for: Creating a temporary Stitch session using the Connect JavaScript client

  • Obtained by: A successful request to the Create a session endpoint

  • Expiration: One hour after generation

Session token Not applicable
  • Definition: A token used to create a temporary Stitch session for the user for whom the exchanged ephemeral token was created.

  • Required for: Creating a temporary Stitch session using the Connect JavaScript client

  • Obtained by: Exchanging a valid ephemeral token in a Connect JavaScript function

  • Expiration: Upon session termination or after 12 hours, whichever is first

Response codes

The API will attempt to return HTTP status codes for every request.

Code Text Description




Bad Request

The request is invalid, contains malformed data, or otherwise cannot be served. The reasons for invalid requests can vary by endpoint. An accompanying message will provide detail about the reason for failure.



The request doesn’t have a valid API access token. Verify your token is correct and re-try the request.


Not Found

Potential causes:

  • The URI requested is invalid
  • The requested resource, such as a specific source, doesn’t exist
  • Method is not allowed by the endpoint

Internal Server Error

The API is experiencing problems. Try again later.


Bad Gateway

The API is experiencing problems. Try again later.

Error message format

The API will return error messages in JSON format. Some error messages may be returned as strings:

an account can have at most one destination

While others may be JSON objects:

  "message":"This email address is already associated with an active user."

Error message text

The text in error messages will vary by root cause and endpoint.

Each endpoint section contains a rollup of the errors specific to that endpoint. Refer to the documentation for the endpoint for specifics on errors, their possible causes, and the messages the API will return.

Rate limits

A rate limit defines the maximum number of requests, over a period of time, that can be made to the Connect API.

Rate limits are enforced for endpoints that can return large amounts of data or may require polling to identify updates. To ensure all API consumers receive the same high quality experience, Stitch employs rate limits to ensure API stability and availability.

Rate limit application

Stitch imposes a limit on the number of requests that can be made for a given client ID over a period of time. The number of requests and the time period over which requests can be made varies by resource type.

Endpoints are grouped based on resource type. Usage counting towards the rate limit for a resource type is aggregated across requests made to all endpoints in the resource type group.

For example: The Extractions and Loads endpoints are part of the Jobs resource. Requests made to any extraction- or load-based endpoint counts towards the rate limit usage for the Jobs resource type.

Rate limit types

The resource type for an endpoint determines how many API requests can be made for a given time period. Refer to the table below for details about resource types and the endpoints that are subject to rate limits.

Note: Only endpoints subject to rate limiting are listed in the table. If an endpoint isn’t listed, rate limiting is not currently applicable for that endpoint.

Resource type API requests Time period Affected endpoints


30 10 minutes

Avoid rate limiting violations

Currently, Stitch takes a DTRT (Do The Right Thing) approach to enforcing rate limits. There isn’t functionality built into the API to programmatically enforce rate limits, but this may change in the future. We’re trusting everyone to be good API consumers.

If a client repeatedly exceeds rate limits, Stitch may block that client from accessing rate limited endpoints.

To avoid rate limit violations, we recommend making requests only for the data you need, only when you need it. Additionally, distribute requests to ensure you stay within the maximum number of requests during the allowed time period for the endpoint.


Some endpoints in the API return lists of objects such as extraction jobs, loading records, and so on. As lists can be quite large depending on the number of sources in a client account, several API endpoints will return paginated results.

Per page record limits

Pages are currently limited to 100 records per page.

Result sorting and ordering

Paginated results are sorted and ordered. The data used to sort and order records varies by endpoint.

Refer to the Endpoints with pagination for a list of endpoints with pagination and how results are returned.

Pagination data

Endpoints with paginated results have page, total, and links properties in their responses:

  "page": 1,
  "total": 37,
  "links": {}

If the result set doesn’t exceed the per page maximum, the links property will be empty, like in the previous example.

If the result set exceeds the per page maximum, the links property will have next and previous properties. These values are URLs to the next and previous pages of results, respectively:

  "page": 2,
  "total": 237,
  "links": {
    "next": "/v4/116078/extractions?page=3",
    "previous": "/v4/116078/extractions?page=1"

The next and previous values can be used as path parameters to make subsequent requests and retrieve additional pages of results. If there aren’t any pages before or after the current page, the links object won’t have a previous or next property, respectively.

For example: If page: 2 and next: /v4/116078/extractions?page=3, make a request to the endpoint using this URL to retrieve page 3 of the results:

GET /v4/{stitch_client_id}/extractions
curl "{stitch_client_id/extractions?page=3" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

To retrieve all pages, continue paging until the response no longer contains a next property:

  "page": 3,
  "total": 237,
  "links": {
    "previous": "/v4/116078/extractions?page=2"


A request made for a specific page returns only the results for that page, not the entire result set.

To determine which records display on each page, Stitch divides the total record count by the per page maximum. Keep in mind that if the total number of records changes, records may shift between pages. This means that some records may appear multiple times or be skipped all together while iterating over the entire list.

As a result, multiple requests will be required to retrieve all the data from a paginated endpoint. When making subsequent requests, keep in mind that some endpoints are subject to rate limiting.

Consider the following example:

Example of pagination and shifting records to different pages

Endpoints with pagination

Note: Only endpoints with pagination are listed in this section. If an endpoint isn’t listed, pagination is not currently applicable for that endpoint.

Endpoint Ordered by Sorting
GET /v4/{stitch_client_id}/extractions source_id Ascending (0-9)
GET /v4/{stitch_client_id}/loads stream_name Ascending (A-Z)


The API is currently versioned by object. The table below lists the core objects, all available versions, and the endpoints available for each version.

Version Endpoints
v3 (latest)
Version Endpoints
v3 (latest)
Version Endpoints
v4 (latest)
Version Endpoints
v4 (latest)
Version Endpoints
v4 (latest)
Version Endpoints
v4 (latest)
Version Endpoints
v4 (latest)
Version Endpoints
v4 (latest)
Version Endpoints
v4 (latest)
Version Endpoints
v4 (latest)
Version Endpoints
v4 (latest)
Version Endpoints
v1 (latest)

Core objects



POST Create an account

Creates a new Stitch client account and receives an API access token in return.

Note: This endpoint is available only to Stitch Partners. Before creating a Stitch account, you’ll need to request access to the API and obtain partner credentials by submitting this form to our team.


The Account object

An object representing a Stitch client account.


A name for the Stitch client. This is typically the name of the company using the Stitch client account.


The email address of the user signing up for a Stitch client account. Upon successful account creation, Stitch will send an email to this address with instructions for completing the setup.


The first name of the user signing up for a Stitch client account.


The last name of the user signing up for a Stitch client account.


The unique ID for your API client, obtained when you register to use the API.


The secret for your API client, obtained when you registered to use the API.


The account’s data pipeline region, which determines where defines the region where Stitch-hosted data centers will process the account’s replicated data.

Example object
  "partner_id": "<PARTNER_ID>",
  "partner_secret": "<PARTNER_SECRET>",
  "first_name": "Stitch",
  "last_name": "Product Team",
  "company": "Stitch Product Team",
  "region": "us-east-1",
  "email": ""


Create an account

Creates a new Stitch client account and receives an API access token in return.

Note: This endpoint is available only to Stitch Partners. Before creating a Stitch account, you’ll need to request access to the API and obtain partner credentials by submitting this form to our team.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request body must contain your partner credentials (partner_id, partner_secret).

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A name for the Stitch client. This is typically the name of the company using the Stitch client account.


The email address of the user signing up for a Stitch client account. Upon successful account creation, Stitch will send an email to this address with instructions for completing the setup.


The first name of the user signing up for a Stitch client account.


The last name of the user signing up for a Stitch client account.


The unique ID for your API client, obtained when you register to use the API.


The secret for your API client, obtained when you registered to use the API.


The account’s data pipeline region, which determines where defines the region where Stitch-hosted data centers will process your account’s replicated data.

Note: This can’t be changed after the account is created.

Accepted values are:

  • us-east-1

  • eu-central-1


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and an object with access_token and stitch_account_id properties.

Otherwise, an error will be returned. For example: If a Stitch client account associated with the user already exists, the request will return This email address is already associated with an active user. See the Errors tab below for additional possibilities.

POST /v3/accounts
curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
  "partner_id": "",
  "partner_secret": "",
  "first_name": "Stitch",
  "last_name": "Product Team",
  "company": "Stitch Product Team",
  "region": "us-east-1",
  "email": ""
Response for POST /v3/accounts
  "access_token": "at_<ACCESS_TOKEN>",
  "stitch_account_id": 136715
Code Condition Response body

A Stitch account is already associated with the provided email address.

  "message":"This email address is already associated with an active user."

Request body contains malformed data.

  "message":"Invalid form data.",

Missing or invalid partner_id.

  "code": "BadRequest",
  "message": "Invalid form data.",
  "errors": {
    "partner_id": "required"

Missing or invalid partner_secret.

  "code": "BadRequest",
  "message": "Invalid form data.",
  "errors": {
    "partner_secret": "required"



POST Create a session

Generates an ephemeral token to create a session in the Stitch web application. Ephemeral tokens expire after one hour.


The Session object

This object represents a browser session in the Stitch web application.


A token that is passed to the Connect JavaScript Client to create a session.

Example object


Create a session

Generates an ephemeral token to create a session in the Stitch web application. Ephemeral tokens expire after one hour.

Ephemeral tokens are used to create a session with the Connect JavaScript client. The session will be for the user for whom the API access token was created.

After the ephemeral token is used to create a session, the created session will expire once terminated or after 12 hours.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a Session object.

POST /v3/sessions/ephemeral
curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for POST /v3/sessions/ephemeral

Destination Types


GET Get a destination type

Retrieves general information about the configuration required for a destination type.

GET List all destination types

Retrieves general information about the configuration required for all supported destination types.


The Destination Type object

The Destination Type object contains the information needed to configure a destination.


The Destination Report Card object corresponding to the destination’s type. For example: s3 or snowflake.

Example object
  "type": "redshift",
  "current_step": 1,
  "current_step_type": "form",
  "steps": [
      "type": "form",
      "properties": [
          "name": "database",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false
          "name": "encryption_host",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "anyOf": [
                "type": "string",
                "format": "ipv4"
                "type": "string",
                "format": "ipv6"
                "type": "string",
                "format": "hostname"
          "provided": false
          "name": "encryption_port",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^\\d+$"
          "provided": false
          "name": "encryption_type",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^(ssh|none)$"
          "provided": false
          "name": "encryption_username",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false
          "name": "host",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "anyOf": [
                "type": "string",
                "format": "ipv4"
                "type": "string",
                "format": "ipv6"
                "type": "string",
                "format": "hostname"
          "provided": false
          "name": "password",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": true,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false
          "name": "port",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^\\d+$"
          "provided": false
          "name": "username",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false
      "type": "fully_configured",
      "properties": []
  "details": {
    "pricing_tier": "standard",
    "pipeline_state": "released",
    "protocol": "redshift",
    "access": true


Get a destination type

Retrieves general information about the configuration required for a destination type.

Note: This endpoint doesn’t retrieve information about the specific configuration of a destination in a single account. Instead, it will return general configuration information for the specified destination type.

To retrieve specific information about the destination for an account, use the List Destinations endpoint.

Refer to the Destination and source API availability reference for info on the destinations that are available in the API.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter indicating the type of destination to retrieve, such as s3 or redshift.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a Destination Report Card object corresponding to type.

GET /v4/destination-types/{destination_type}
curl "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for GET /v4/destination-types/{destination_type}
  "type": "redshift",
  "current_step": 1,
  "current_step_type": "form",
  "steps": [
      "type": "form",
      "properties": [
          "name": "database",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false
          "name": "encryption_host",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "anyOf": [
                "type": "string",
                "format": "ipv4"
                "type": "string",
                "format": "ipv6"
                "type": "string",
                "format": "hostname"
          "provided": false
          "name": "encryption_port",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^\\d+$"
          "provided": false
          "name": "encryption_type",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^(ssh|none)$"
          "provided": false
          "name": "encryption_username",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false
          "name": "host",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "anyOf": [
                "type": "string",
                "format": "ipv4"
                "type": "string",
                "format": "ipv6"
                "type": "string",
                "format": "hostname"
          "provided": false
          "name": "password",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": true,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false
          "name": "port",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^\\d+$"
          "provided": false
          "name": "username",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false
      "type": "fully_configured",
      "properties": []
  "details": {
    "pricing_tier": "standard",
    "pipeline_state": "released",
    "protocol": "redshift",
    "access": true


List all destination types

Retrieves general information about the configuration required for all supported destination types.

Note: This endpoint doesn’t retrieve information about the specific configuration of a destination in a single account. Instead, it will return general configuration information for all supported destination types.

To retrieve specific information about the destination for an account, use the List Destinations endpoint.

Refer to the Destination and source API availability reference for info on the destinations that are available in the API.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and an array of Destination Report Card objects, one for each supported destination type.

GET /v4/destination-types
curl "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for GET /v4/destination-types
    "type": "azure_sqldw",
    "current_step": 1,
    "current_step_type": "form",
    "steps": [
        "type": "form",
        "properties": [
            "name": "host",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "anyOf": [
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "ipv4"
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "ipv6"
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "hostname"
            "provided": false
            "name": "port",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^\\d+$"
            "provided": false
            "name": "username",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": false
            "name": "password",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": true,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": false
            "name": "azure_storage_account_token",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": true,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": false
            "name": "azure_storage_sas_url",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": true,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "format": "uri"
            "provided": false
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            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
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                  "type": "string",
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            "json_schema": {
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              "pattern": "^\\d+$"
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        "properties": []
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      "pricing_tier": "standard",
      "pipeline_state": "released",
      "protocol": "redshift",
      "access": true
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    "current_step": 1,
    "current_step_type": "form",
    "steps": [
        "type": "form",
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            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
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              "pattern": "^\\d+$"
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              "anyOf": [
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "ipv4"
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "ipv6"
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            "is_required": true,
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            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^\\d+$"
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        "properties": []
    "details": {
      "pricing_tier": "standard",
      "pipeline_state": "released",
      "protocol": "postgres",
      "access": true
    "type": "snowflake",
    "current_step": 1,
    "current_step_type": "form",
    "steps": [
        "type": "form",
        "properties": [
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                  "type": "string",
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            "json_schema": {
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              "pattern": "^\\d+$"
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            "json_schema": {
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            "property_type": "user_provided",
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              "type": "string"
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            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
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        "properties": []
    "details": {
      "pricing_tier": "standard",
      "pipeline_state": "released",
      "protocol": "snowflake",
      "access": true
    "type": "s3",
    "current_step": 1,
    "current_step_type": "form",
    "steps": [
        "type": "form",
        "properties": [
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            "json_schema": {
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              "pattern": "^(true|false)$"
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            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^(csv|jsonl)$"
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            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
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            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
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            "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^stitch-challenge-file-.*$"
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        "properties": []
    "details": {
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      "pipeline_state": "released",
      "protocol": "s3",
      "access": true
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    "current_step": 1,
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    "steps": [
        "type": "form",
        "properties": [
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                  "type": "string",
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            "name": "output_file_format",
            "is_required": true,
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            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^(csv|jsonl)$"
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            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
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              "type": "string"
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            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
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            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": false
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            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^stitch-challenge-file-.*$"
            "provided": false
        "type": "fully_configured",
        "properties": []
    "details": {
      "pricing_tier": "enterprise",
      "pipeline_state": "alpha",
      "protocol": "storagegrid",
      "access": false



POST Create a destination

Creates a new destination. Only a single destination is supported per Stitch client account on a Standard plan.

PUT Update a destination

Updates an existing destination. Modifications to the type attribute are not supported.

GET List destinations

Lists the destinations currently in use for a Stitch account. Only a single destination is supported per Stitch client account on a Standard plan.

DELETE Delete a destination

Deletes an existing destination.

Note: Stitch requires a destination to replicate data. Replication will be paused until a new destination is created and has a successful connection.


The Destination object

An object representing a destination. Destinations are the data warehouses into which Stitch writes data.

Object properties

The time at which the destination object was created.


The time at which the destination object was deleted.


The display name of the destination.


A unique identifier for this destination.


The name for the destination.


If the connection was paused by the user, the time the pause began. Otherwise, or if the connection is active, this will be null.


Parameters for connecting to the destination, excluding any sensitive credentials. The parameters must adhere to the type of destination.

Note: When included in responses, this object will contain the current values for the destination’s form properties. If an optional property (is_required: false) has not been provided, it will not be present in this object.


The Report Card object corresponding to the destination’s type. For example: postgres or redshift.


The ID of the Stitch client account associated with the destination.


If the connection was paused by the system, the time the pause began. Otherwise, or if the connection is active, this will be null.


The destination type. Must be one of:

  • azure_sqldw

  • bigquery_v2

  • databricks_delta

  • dataworld

  • mssql_server

  • mysql_destination

  • panoply

  • postgres

  • redshift

  • s3

  • snowflake


The time at which the destination object was last updated.

Example object
  "description": "Postgres database for the staging environment.",
  "properties": {
    "database": "demni2mf59dt10",
    "encryption_type": "none",
    "host": "<HOST>",
    "port": "5432",
    "ssl": "true",
    "status": "1",
    "username": "stitch"
  "updated_at": "2019-05-24T18:04:08Z",
  "name": "Staging",
  "type": "postgres",
  "deleted_at": null,
  "system_paused_at": null,
  "stitch_client_id": 116078,
  "paused_at": null,
  "id": 155582,
  "display_name": null,
  "created_at": "2019-05-24T18:03:50Z",
  "report_card": {
    "type": "postgres",
    "current_step": 2,
    "current_step_type": "fully_configured",
    "steps": [
        "type": "form",
        "properties": [
            "name": "database",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": true
            "name": "encryption_host",
            "is_required": false,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "anyOf": [
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "ipv4"
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "ipv6"
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "hostname"
            "provided": false
            "name": "encryption_port",
            "is_required": false,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^\\d+$"
            "provided": false
            "name": "encryption_type",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^(ssh|none)$"
            "provided": true
            "name": "encryption_username",
            "is_required": false,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": false
            "name": "host",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "anyOf": [
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "ipv4"
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "ipv6"
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "hostname"
            "provided": true
            "name": "password",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": true,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": true
            "name": "port",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^\\d+$"
            "provided": true
            "name": "ssl",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "boolean"
            "provided": true
            "name": "sslrootcert",
            "is_required": false,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": false
            "name": "username",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": true
        "type": "fully_configured",
        "properties": []
Object properties

Parameters for connecting to the destination, excluding any sensitive credentials.

The parameters must adhere to the type of destination.

Note: This has been renamed to properties in v4 of the Destinations endpoint.


The time at which the destination object was created.


A unique identifier for this destination.


The time the last connection check to the destination completed.

Note: This field has been deprecated in v4 of the Destinations endpoint.


The destination type. Must be one of:

  • azure_sqldw

  • bigquery_v2

  • databricks_delta

  • dataworld

  • mssql_server

  • mysql_destination

  • panoply

  • postgres

  • redshift

  • s3

  • snowflake


The time at which the destination object was last updated.

Example object
  "connection": {


Create a destination

Creates a new destination. Only a single destination is supported per Stitch client account on a Standard plan.

Refer to the Destination and source API availability reference for info on the destinations that are available in the API.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


The destination type. Must be one of:

  • azure_sqldw

  • bigquery_v2

  • databricks_delta

  • dataworld

  • mssql_server

  • mysql_destination

  • panoply

  • postgres

  • redshift

  • s3

  • snowflake


A Connection property object corresponding to the value of type.


Not providing this key or passing false will map all unmapped sources to the destination. If true no sources will be mapped to the destination.


A descriptive name for the destination. This field is optional, but it is recommended to use it. If no name is provided, one will be generated using the destination type.


A description for the destination.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a Destination object with a report_card property.

The report_card property contains the Destination Report Card object for the destination’s configuration status.

POST /v4/destinations
curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
  "name": "Staging",
  "description": "Postgres database for the staging environment.",
  "properties": {
Response for POST /v4/destinations
  "description": "Postgres database for the staging environment.",
  "properties": {
    "database": "demni2mf59dt10",
    "encryption_type": "none",
    "host": "<HOST>",
    "port": "5432",
    "ssl": "true",
    "status": "1",
    "username": "stitch"
  "updated_at": "2019-05-24T18:04:08Z",
  "name": "Staging",
  "type": "postgres",
  "deleted_at": null,
  "system_paused_at": null,
  "stitch_client_id": 116078,
  "paused_at": null,
  "id": 155582,
  "display_name": null,
  "created_at": "2019-05-24T18:03:50Z",
  "report_card": {
    "type": "postgres",
    "current_step": 2,
    "current_step_type": "fully_configured",
    "steps": [
        "type": "form",
        "properties": [
            "name": "database",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": true
            "name": "encryption_host",
            "is_required": false,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "anyOf": [
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "ipv4"
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "ipv6"
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "hostname"
            "provided": false
            "name": "encryption_port",
            "is_required": false,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^\\d+$"
            "provided": false
            "name": "encryption_type",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^(ssh|none)$"
            "provided": true
            "name": "encryption_username",
            "is_required": false,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": false
            "name": "host",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "anyOf": [
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "ipv4"
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "ipv6"
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "hostname"
            "provided": true
            "name": "password",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": true,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": true
            "name": "port",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^\\d+$"
            "provided": true
            "name": "ssl",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "boolean"
            "provided": true
            "name": "sslrootcert",
            "is_required": false,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": false
            "name": "username",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": true
        "type": "fully_configured",
        "properties": []
Code Condition Response body

Accounts can have one destination

you are at your destination limit


Missing or prohibited arguments

POST body may only include a type, a name, a description, map of properties, and boolean for unmapped sources

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


The destination type. Must be one of:

  • azure_sqldw

  • bigquery_v2

  • databricks_delta

  • dataworld

  • mssql_server

  • mysql_destination

  • panoply

  • postgres

  • redshift

  • s3

  • snowflake


A Connection property object corresponding to the value of type.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a Destination object.

POST /v3/destinations
curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
  "connection": {
Response for POST /v3/destinations
  "connection": {
Code Condition Response body

Accounts can have one destination

you are at your destination limit


Missing or prohibited arguments

body must be a map with type = redshift, postgres, or snowflake. required-keys = type, connection


Update a destination

Updates an existing destination. Modifications to the type attribute are not supported.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the destination to be updated.


A Connection property object corresponding to the value of type.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a Destination object with a report_card property.

PUT /v4/destinations/{destination_id}
curl -X "PUT" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
  "properties": {
    "username": "stitch_admin"
Response for PUT /v4/destinations/{destination_id}
  "description": "Postgres database for the staging environment.",
  "properties": {
    "database": "demni2mf59dt10",
    "encryption_type": "none",
    "host": "<HOST>",
    "port": "5432",
    "ssl": "true",
    "status": "1",
    "username": "stitch_admin"
  "updated_at": "2019-05-28T15:37:37Z",
  "check_job_name": "116078.155582.check.859f4746-815e-11e9-bb8e-0693226a5168",
  "name": "Staging",
  "type": "postgres",
  "deleted_at": null,
  "system_paused_at": null,
  "stitch_client_id": 116078,
  "paused_at": null,
  "id": 155582,
  "display_name": null,
  "created_at": "2019-05-24T18:03:50Z",
  "report_card": {
    "type": "postgres",
    "current_step": 2,
    "current_step_type": "fully_configured",
    "steps": [
        "type": "form",
        "properties": [
            "name": "database",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": true
            "name": "encryption_host",
            "is_required": false,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "anyOf": [
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "ipv4"
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "ipv6"
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "hostname"
            "provided": false
            "name": "encryption_port",
            "is_required": false,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^\\d+$"
            "provided": false
            "name": "encryption_type",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^(ssh|none)$"
            "provided": true
            "name": "encryption_username",
            "is_required": false,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": false
            "name": "host",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "anyOf": [
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "ipv4"
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "ipv6"
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "hostname"
            "provided": true
            "name": "password",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": true,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": true
            "name": "port",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^\\d+$"
            "provided": true
            "name": "ssl",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "boolean"
            "provided": true
            "name": "sslrootcert",
            "is_required": false,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": false
            "name": "username",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": true
        "type": "fully_configured",
        "properties": []
Code Condition Response body

Modifications to type are unsupported

this API endpoint does not support modifying destination type


Invalid destination ID

invalid connection id

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the destination to be updated.


The destination type. Must be one of:

  • azure_sqldw

  • bigquery_v2

  • databricks_delta

  • dataworld

  • mssql_server

  • mysql_destination

  • panoply

  • postgres

  • redshift

  • s3

  • snowflake


A Connection property object corresponding to the value of type.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a Destination object.

PUT /v3/destinations/{destination_id}
curl -X "PUT" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
    "connection": {
      "host": "",
      "port": 5432,
      "username": "",
      "database": "",
      "password": "",
      "ssl": false
Response for PUT /v3/destinations/{destination_id}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=ISO-8859-1

  "connection": {
      "error": false,
Code Condition Response body

Modifications to type are unsupported

this API endpoint does not support modifying destination type


Invalid destination ID

invalid connection id


List destinations

Lists the destinations currently in use for a Stitch account. Only a single destination is supported per Stitch client account on a Standard plan.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and an array of Destination objects, one for each destination connected to the account.

GET /v4/destinations
curl "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for GET /v4/destinations
      "description": "Postgres database for the staging environment.",

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and an array (of length zero or one) of Destination objects.

GET /v3/destinations
curl "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for GET /v3/destinations
    "connection": {  
      "error": false,


Delete a destination

Deletes an existing destination.

Note: Stitch requires a destination to replicate data. Replication will be paused until a new destination is created and has a successful connection.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit




Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the destination to be deleted.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and an empty body.

DELETE /v4/destinations/{destination_id}

curl -X DELETE \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer " \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Response for DELETE /v4/destinations/{destination_id}
Code Condition Response body

Invalid destination ID

Unable to locate dest (<DESTINATION_ID>) for client (<ACCOUNT_ID>) to delete

May result from an incorrect destination ID, or if the destination has already been deleted.


Destination ID not provided

Occurs when a destination ID argument isn’t included in the request URL. Below is an incorrectly formatted request URL:{destination_id

This is correct:{destination_id

Destination ID contains illegal characters

Occurs when a destination ID argument includes illegal characters, such as letters. For example:{destination_id

Source Types


GET Get a source type

Retrieves general information about the configuration required for a data source type.

GET List all source types

Retrieves general information about the configuration required for all supported data source types.


The Source Type object

The Source Type object contains the information needed to configure a data source.


The Source Report Card object corresponding to the source’s type. For example: platform.marketo or platform.hubspot.

Example object
  "type": "platform.hubspot",
  "current_step": 1,
  "current_step_type": "form",
  "steps": [
      "type": "form",
      "properties": [
          "name": "anchor_time",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "date-time"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "cron_expression",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": null,
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "email_chunk_size",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "anyOf": [
                "type": "integer"
                "type": "string",
                "pattern": "^\\d+"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "frequency_in_minutes",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^1$|^30$|^60$|^360$|^720$|^1440$"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "image_version",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": true,
          "property_type": "read_only",
          "json_schema": null,
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "include_inactives",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^(true|false)$"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "require_content_scope",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^(true|false)$"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "start_date",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T00:00:00Z$"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "subscription_chunk_size",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "anyOf": [
                "type": "integer"
                "type": "string",
                "pattern": "^\\d+"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
      "type": "oauth",
      "properties": [
          "name": "client_id",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": true,
          "system_provided": true,
          "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "client_secret",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": true,
          "system_provided": true,
          "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "redirect_uri",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": true,
          "system_provided": true,
          "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "uri"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "refresh_token",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": true,
          "system_provided": true,
          "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
      "type": "discover_schema",
      "properties": []
      "type": "field_selection",
      "properties": []
      "type": "fully_configured",
      "properties": []
  "details": {
    "pricing_tier": "standard",
    "pipeline_state": "released",
    "default_start_date": "-30 days",
    "default_scheduling_interval": 30,
    "protocol": "platform.hubspot",
    "access": true,
    "image_version": "2.latest"
  "upgrade_available": null


Get a source type

Retrieves general information about the configuration required for a data source type.

Note: This endpoint doesn’t retrieve information about the specific configuration of sources in a single account. Instead, it will return general configuration information for the specified source source_type.

To retrieve information about a specific data source, use the Get a Source endpoint.

Refer to the Destination and source API availability reference for info on the sources that are available in the API.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter indicating the type of source to retrieve, such as platform.hubspot or platform.marketo.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a Source Report Card object corresponding to type.

GET /v4/source-types/{source_type}
curl "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for GET /v4/source-types/{source_type}
  "type": "platform.hubspot",
  "current_step": 1,
  "current_step_type": "form",
  "steps": [
      "type": "form",
      "properties": [
          "name": "anchor_time",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "date-time"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "cron_expression",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": null,
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "email_chunk_size",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "anyOf": [
                "type": "integer"
                "type": "string",
                "pattern": "^\\d+"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "frequency_in_minutes",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^1$|^30$|^60$|^360$|^720$|^1440$"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "image_version",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": true,
          "property_type": "read_only",
          "json_schema": null,
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "include_inactives",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^(true|false)$"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "require_content_scope",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^(true|false)$"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "start_date",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T00:00:00Z$"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "subscription_chunk_size",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "anyOf": [
                "type": "integer"
                "type": "string",
                "pattern": "^\\d+"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
      "type": "oauth",
      "properties": [
          "name": "client_id",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": true,
          "system_provided": true,
          "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "client_secret",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": true,
          "system_provided": true,
          "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "redirect_uri",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": true,
          "system_provided": true,
          "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "uri"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "refresh_token",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": true,
          "system_provided": true,
          "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
      "type": "discover_schema",
      "properties": []
      "type": "field_selection",
      "properties": []
      "type": "fully_configured",
      "properties": []
  "details": {
    "pricing_tier": "standard",
    "pipeline_state": "released",
    "default_start_date": "-30 days",
    "default_scheduling_interval": 30,
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    "image_version": "2.latest"
  "upgrade_available": null


List all source types

Retrieves general information about the configuration required for all supported data source types.

Note: This endpoint doesn’t retrieve information about the specific configuration of sources in a single account. Instead, it will return general configuration information for all supported source types.

To retrieve specific information about all data sources for an account, use the List Sources endpoint.

Refer to the Destination and source API availability reference for info on the sources that are available in the API.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and an array of Source Report Card objects, one for each supported source type.

GET /v4/source-types
curl "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for GET /v4/source-types
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    "details": {
      "pricing_tier": "standard",
      "pipeline_state": "released",
      "default_start_date": null,
      "default_scheduling_interval": null,
      "protocol": "s3",
      "access": true,
      "image_version": null
    "upgrade_available": null
    "type": "storagegrid",
    "details": {
      "pricing_tier": "standard",
      "pipeline_state": "alpha",
      "default_start_date": null,
      "default_scheduling_interval": null,
      "protocol": "s3",
      "access": false,
      "image_version": null
    "upgrade_available": null
    "type": "salesforce",
    "details": {
      "pricing_tier": "standard",
      "pipeline_state": "deprecated",
      "default_start_date": "-1 year",
      "default_scheduling_interval": 30,
      "protocol": "salesforce",
      "access": false,
      "image_version": null
    "upgrade_available": {
      "type": "platform.salesforce"
    "type": "stripe",
    "details": {
      "pricing_tier": "standard",
      "pipeline_state": "deprecated",
      "default_start_date": "-1 year",
      "default_scheduling_interval": 30,
      "protocol": "stripe",
      "access": false,
      "image_version": null
    "upgrade_available": {
      "type": "platform.stripe"
    "type": "trello",
    "details": {
      "pricing_tier": "standard",
      "pipeline_state": "deprecated",
      "default_start_date": "-1 year",
      "default_scheduling_interval": 30,
      "protocol": "trello",
      "access": false,
      "image_version": null
    "upgrade_available": {
      "type": "platform.trello"
    "type": "twitter",
    "details": {
      "pricing_tier": "standard",
      "pipeline_state": "deprecated",
      "default_start_date": null,
      "default_scheduling_interval": 30,
      "protocol": "twitter",
      "access": false,
      "image_version": null
    "upgrade_available": null
    "type": "xero",
    "details": {
      "pricing_tier": "standard",
      "pipeline_state": "deprecated",
      "default_start_date": "-1 year",
      "default_scheduling_interval": 360,
      "protocol": "xero",
      "access": false,
      "image_version": null
    "upgrade_available": {
      "type": "platform.xero"
    "type": "zendesk",
    "details": {
      "pricing_tier": "standard",
      "pipeline_state": "deprecated",
      "default_start_date": "-1 year",
      "default_scheduling_interval": 30,
      "protocol": "zendesk",
      "access": false,
      "image_version": null
    "upgrade_available": {
      "type": "platform.zendesk"
    "type": "zopim",
    "details": {
      "pricing_tier": "standard",
      "pipeline_state": "deprecated",
      "default_start_date": "-1 year",
      "default_scheduling_interval": 30,
      "protocol": "zopim",
      "access": false,
      "image_version": null
    "upgrade_available": {
      "type": "webhook.incoming-webhook"
    "type": "zuora",
    "details": {
      "pricing_tier": "standard",
      "pipeline_state": "deprecated",
      "default_start_date": "-1 year",
      "default_scheduling_interval": 30,
      "protocol": "zuora",
      "access": false,
      "image_version": null
    "upgrade_available": {
      "type": "platform.zuora"



POST Create a source

Creates a source object, which is the first step in setting up a new data source.

PUT Update a source

Updates an existing data source.

PUT Pause a source

Pauses an existing data source.

PUT Unpause a source

Unpauses a previously paused data source.

GET Retrieve a source

Retrieves a previously created data source by its unique identifier.

GET List all sources

Lists the sources for an account, including active, paused, and deleted sources.

DELETE Delete a source

Deletes an existing data source.

POST Generate an Import API source access token

Generates a new access token for an existing Import API source.

GET Get Import API access token IDs

Generates a new access token for an existing Import API source.

DELETE Revoke an Import API source access token

Lists the IDs of the active access tokens for an existing Import API source.


The Source object

An object representing a data source. Sources are the databases, APIs, and other data applications that Stitch replicates data from. Sources can be retrieved in a list or individually by ID.


The unique identifier for this source.


Parameters for connecting to the source, excluding any sensitive credentials. The parameters must adhere to the type of source.

Note: When included in responses, this object will contain the current values for the source’s form properties. If an optional property (is_required: false) has not been provided, it will not be present in this object.


The time at which the object was last updated.


An object describing the replication schedule for the source.

Note: This will be null if the source is paused or has been deleted.


The name of the last connection check job that ran for the source.


The name of the source connection, dynamically generated from display_name. The name corresponds to the destination schema name that the data from this source will be loaded into.

Names must:

  • Contain only lowercase alphanumerics and underscores
  • Be unique within each Stitch client account

The source type.


The time at which the source object was deleted.


If the connection was paused by the system, the time the pause began. Otherwise, or if the connection is active, this will be null.


The ID of the Stitch client account associated with the source.


If the connection was paused by the user, the time the pause began. Otherwise, or if the connection is active, this will be `null.


The display name of the source connection.


The time at which the source object was created.


A description of the source’s configuration state.

Example object
  "properties": {
    "anchor_time": "2018-11-06T22:00:00.000Z",
    "cron_expression": null,
    "frequency_in_minutes": "60",
    "image_version": "1.latest",
    "product": "pipeline",
    "repository": "docs",
    "start_date": "2017-11-06T21:20:32Z"
  "updated_at": "2020-06-22T18:07:32Z",
  "schedule": {
    "type": "interval",
    "unit": "minute",
    "interval": 60.0,
    "next_fire_time": "2020-06-22T19:00:00Z"
  "check_job_name": "116078.108726.check.3e20af99-b4b3-11ea-a947-0e6d53ce325f",
  "name": "github",
  "type": "platform.github",
  "deleted_at": null,
  "system_paused_at": null,
  "stitch_client_id": 116078,
  "paused_at": null,
  "id": 108726,
  "display_name": "GitHub",
  "created_at": "2018-11-06T21:22:45Z",
  "report_card": {
    "type": "platform.github",
    "current_step": 4,
    "current_step_type": "fully_configured",
    "steps": [
        "type": "form",
        "properties": [
            "name": "access_token",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": true,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": true,
            "tap_mutable": false
            "name": "anchor_time",
            "is_required": false,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "format": "date-time"
            "provided": true,
            "tap_mutable": false
            "name": "cron_expression",
            "is_required": false,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": null,
            "provided": false,
            "tap_mutable": false
            "name": "frequency_in_minutes",
            "is_required": false,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^1$|^30$|^60$|^360$|^720$|^1440$"
            "provided": true,
            "tap_mutable": false
            "name": "image_version",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": true,
            "property_type": "read_only",
            "json_schema": null,
            "provided": true,
            "tap_mutable": false
            "name": "repository",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": true,
            "tap_mutable": false
            "name": "start_date",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T00:00:00Z$"
            "provided": true,
            "tap_mutable": false
        "type": "discover_schema",
        "properties": []
        "type": "field_selection",
        "properties": []
        "type": "fully_configured",
        "properties": []


Create a source

Creates a source object, which is the first step in setting up a new data source. After the source object is created, additional configuration steps must be completed.

The configuration process is unique for each type of source. The report_card object’s steps attribute will assist you in guiding the user to the Connect JavaScript Client to complete the appropriate step.

Refer to these resources for creating and configuring sources:

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A descriptive name for the source. This will be used to dynamically generate the name corresponding to the schema name or dataset name that the data from this source will be loaded into.


The source type. For example: platform.marketo or platform.hubspot.


A Connection property object corresponding to the value of type.


The ID of the destination you want to load data into. For example: 12345.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a Source object with a report_card property.

The report_card property contains the Source Report Card object for the source’s configuration status.

POST /v4/sources
curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
Response for POST /v4/sources



Code Condition Response body

Invalid source type

      "message":"invalid source type (platform.<SOURCE_TYPE>)"

Source’s display_name is already in use

      "message":"non-unique name (<NAME>)"

Prohibited arguments

      "message":"POST body may only include a non-empty type, a non-empty display_name and map of string properties"

Invalid name property

      "message":"The name field must be under 50 characters, and can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, or dollar signs. It must begin with a letter or an underscore."

Non-unique name property

      "message":"non-unique name after deriving it from display_name (<DISPLAY_NAME!!!> -> <display_name>)"

Invalid name property

      "message":"invalid name after deriving it from display_name (#### -> )"

Insufficient access to source type

      "message":"you do not have access to source type (platform.<SOURCE_TYPE>)"

Invalid properties data

      "message":"properties do not match schema",

May result from incorrect formatting, incorrect data typing, or a property has a value that is an empty string.


Insufficient account access to cron scheduling feature

      "message":"access to cron_expression based scheduling is not permitted"

Cron expressions can’t specify both a day-of-week and day-of-month

      "message":"cron_expression \"* * * * * *\" is invalid: Support for specifying both a day-of-week AND a day-of-month parameter is not implemented."


Update a source

Updates an existing data source.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the source to be updated.


A descriptive name for the source. This will be used to dynamically generate the name corresponding to the schema name or dataset name that the data from this source will be loaded into.


The time the source was paused. This field must contain an ISO 8601-compliant date.

Note: Providing any value - past, present, or future - for this property will pause the source immediately if the request is successful.

Refer to the Pause a source reference for request and response examples.


The ID of the destination you want to load data into. For example: 12345.


A Connection property object corresponding to the value of type.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a Source object.

PUT /v4/sources/{source_id}
curl -X "PUT" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
Response for PUT /v4/sources/{source_id}



Code Condition Response body

Invalid properties data

      "message":"properties do not match schema",

May result from incorrect formatting, incorrect data typing, or a property has a value that is an empty string.


Insufficient account access to cron scheduling feature

      "message":"access to cron_expression based scheduling is not permitted"

Cron expressions can’t specify both a day-of-week and day-of-month

      "message":"cron_expression \"* * * * * *\" is invalid: Support for specifying both a day-of-week AND a day-of-month parameter is not implemented."

Prohibited arguments

      "message":"PUT body many only include the keys: display_name, properties, and paused_at"

Invalid display name

      "message":"invalid display_name (<INVALID_DISPLAY_NAME>)"

Invalid source ID

      "message":"source not found (<SOURCE_ID>)"


Pause a source

When a source is paused, Stitch will not automatically start replication jobs for the source. Manual replication jobs can still be started using the Start a replication job endpoint, however.

Note: This endpoint behaves identically to Update a source.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the source to be paused.


The time the source was paused. This field must contain an ISO 8601-compliant date.

Note: Providing any value - past, present, or future - for this property will pause the source immediately if the request is successful.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a Source object with a populated paused_at value.

PUT /v4/sources/{source_id}
curl -X "PUT" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
Response for PUT /v4/sources/{source_id}





Unpause a source

Note: This endpoint behaves identically to Update a source.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the source to be paused.


To unpause a source, this value must be null.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a Source object with a null paused_at value.

PUT /v4/sources/{source_id}
curl -X "PUT" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
Response for PUT /v4/sources/{source_id}





Retrieve a source

Retrieves a previously created data source by its unique identifier. This endpoint can be used to retrieve an active, paused, or deleted source.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit




Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the data source to be retrieved.


If successful and a valid identifier was provided, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a single Source Object.

GET /v4/sources/{source_id}
curl "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for GET /v4/sources/{source_id}
  "properties": {
    "anchor_time": "2019-01-07T23:23:08.116Z",
    "cron_expression": null,
    "customer_ids": "1585293495,4224806558,6668731595",
    "frequency_in_minutes": "30",
    "image_version": "1.latest",
    "product": "pipeline",
    "start_date": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "user_id": "100551921296891141132"
  "updated_at": "2019-04-12T19:03:13Z",
  "schedule": null,
  "name": "adwords",
  "type": "platform.adwords",
  "deleted_at": "2019-01-09T17:28:57Z",
  "system_paused_at": null,
  "stitch_client_id": 116078,
  "paused_at": null,
  "id": 120643,
  "display_name": "AdWords",
  "created_at": "2019-01-07T23:20:22Z",
  "report_card": {
    "type": "platform.adwords",
    "current_step": 5,
    "current_step_type": "fully_configured",
    "steps": [
        "type": "form",
        "properties": [
            "name": "anchor_time",
            "is_required": false,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "format": "date-time"
            "provided": true,
            "tap_mutable": false
            "name": "cron_expression",
            "is_required": false,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": null,
            "provided": false,
            "tap_mutable": false
            "name": "frequency_in_minutes",
            "is_required": false,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^1$|^30$|^60$|^360$|^720$|^1440$"
            "provided": true,
            "tap_mutable": false
            "name": "image_version",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": true,
            "property_type": "read_only",
            "json_schema": null,
            "provided": true,
            "tap_mutable": false
            "name": "start_date",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string",
              "pattern": "^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T00:00:00Z$"
            "provided": true,
            "tap_mutable": false
        "type": "oauth",
        "properties": [
            "name": "customer_ids",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": false,
            "property_type": "user_provided",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": true,
            "tap_mutable": false
            "name": "developer_token",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": true,
            "system_provided": true,
            "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": true,
            "tap_mutable": false
            "name": "oauth_client_id",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": true,
            "system_provided": true,
            "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": true,
            "tap_mutable": false
            "name": "oauth_client_secret",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": true,
            "system_provided": true,
            "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": true,
            "tap_mutable": false
            "name": "refresh_token",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": true,
            "system_provided": true,
            "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": true,
            "tap_mutable": false
            "name": "user_id",
            "is_required": true,
            "is_credential": false,
            "system_provided": true,
            "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
            "json_schema": {
              "type": "string"
            "provided": true,
            "tap_mutable": false
        "type": "discover_schema",
        "properties": []
        "type": "field_selection",
        "properties": []
        "type": "fully_configured",
        "properties": []


List all sources

Lists the sources for an account, including active, paused, and deleted sources.

Note: This endpoint retrieves specific configuration information about the sources connected to a single account. To retrieve general configuration information about all supported data source types, use the List all source types endpoint.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit




Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and an array of Source Objects, one for each source connected to the account.

GET /v4/sources
curl "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for GET /v4/sources
    "properties": {
      "anchor_time": "2019-01-07T23:23:08.116Z",
      "cron_expression": null,
      "customer_ids": "1585293495,4224806558,6668731595",
      "frequency_in_minutes": "30",
      "image_version": "1.latest",
      "product": "pipeline",
      "start_date": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "user_id": "100551921296891141132"
    "updated_at": "2019-04-12T19:03:13Z",
    "schedule": null,
    "name": "adwords",
    "type": "platform.adwords",
    "deleted_at": "2019-01-09T17:28:57Z",
    "system_paused_at": null,
    "stitch_client_id": 116078,
    "paused_at": null,
    "id": 119945,
    "display_name": "AdWords2",
    "created_at": "2019-01-07T23:20:22Z",
    "report_card": {
      "type": "platform.adwords",
      "current_step": 5,
      "current_step_type": "fully_configured",
      "steps": [
          "type": "form",
          "properties": [
              "name": "anchor_time",
              "is_required": false,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string",
                "format": "date-time"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "cron_expression",
              "is_required": false,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": null,
              "provided": false,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "frequency_in_minutes",
              "is_required": false,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string",
                "pattern": "^1$|^30$|^60$|^360$|^720$|^1440$"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "image_version",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": true,
              "property_type": "read_only",
              "json_schema": null,
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "start_date",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string",
                "pattern": "^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T00:00:00Z$"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
          "type": "oauth",
          "properties": [
              "name": "customer_ids",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "developer_token",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": true,
              "system_provided": true,
              "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "oauth_client_id",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": true,
              "system_provided": true,
              "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "oauth_client_secret",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": true,
              "system_provided": true,
              "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "refresh_token",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": true,
              "system_provided": true,
              "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "user_id",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": true,
              "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
          "type": "discover_schema",
          "properties": []
          "type": "field_selection",
          "properties": []
          "type": "fully_configured",
          "properties": []
    "properties": {
      "anchor_time": "2019-01-09T19:30:00.000Z",
      "user_agent": "Stitch-c7ad6999-c6d8-4504-9ae6-b153717fdd3e",
      "oauth_s3_path": "116078-120407-xero",
      "organization_name": "Stitch Xero",
      "frequency_in_minutes": "60",
      "product": "pipeline",
      "oauth_s3_bucket": "com-stitchdata-prod-platform-oauth-creds",
      "start_date": "2018-01-09T19:15:49Z",
      "cron_expression": null,
      "image_version": "1.latest"
    "updated_at": "2019-05-24T16:21:57Z",
    "schedule": null,
    "name": "xero",
    "type": "platform.xero",
    "deleted_at": null,
    "system_paused_at": null,
    "stitch_client_id": 116078,
    "paused_at": "2019-01-22T18:04:48Z",
    "id": 120407,
    "display_name": "Xero",
    "created_at": "2019-01-09T19:16:03Z",
    "report_card": {
      "type": "platform.xero",
      "current_step": 4,
      "current_step_type": "field_selection",
      "steps": [
          "type": "form",
          "properties": [
              "name": "anchor_time",
              "is_required": false,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string",
                "format": "date-time"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "cron_expression",
              "is_required": false,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": null,
              "provided": false,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "frequency_in_minutes",
              "is_required": false,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string",
                "pattern": "^1$|^30$|^60$|^360$|^720$|^1440$"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "image_version",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": true,
              "property_type": "read_only",
              "json_schema": null,
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "start_date",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string",
                "pattern": "^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T00:00:00Z$"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
          "type": "oauth",
          "properties": [
              "name": "consumer_key",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": true,
              "system_provided": true,
              "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
              "json_schema": null,
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "consumer_secret",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": true,
              "system_provided": true,
              "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
              "json_schema": null,
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "oauth_s3_bucket",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": true,
              "property_type": "read_only",
              "json_schema": null,
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "oauth_s3_path",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": true,
              "property_type": "read_only",
              "json_schema": null,
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "oauth_session_handle",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": true,
              "system_provided": true,
              "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
              "json_schema": null,
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "oauth_token",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": true,
              "system_provided": true,
              "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
              "json_schema": null,
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "oauth_token_secret",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": true,
              "system_provided": true,
              "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
              "json_schema": null,
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "organization_name",
              "is_required": false,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": true,
              "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "rsa_key",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": true,
              "system_provided": true,
              "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
              "json_schema": null,
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
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              "is_required": true,
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              "property_type": "read_only",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
          "type": "discover_schema",
          "properties": []
          "type": "field_selection",
          "properties": []
          "type": "fully_configured",
          "properties": []
    "properties": {
      "ssl": "true",
      "anchor_time": "2019-01-10T19:39:17.724Z",
      "frequency_in_minutes": "60",
      "port": "5432",
      "dbname": "demni2mf59dt10",
      "host": "<HOST>",
      "product": "pipeline",
      "cron_expression": null,
      "image_version": "0.latest",
      "user": "nxucqufdolmwxr"
    "updated_at": "2019-05-24T19:54:43Z",
    "schedule": null,
    "name": "heroku",
    "type": "platform.heroku_pg",
    "deleted_at": "2019-05-24T19:54:43Z",
    "system_paused_at": null,
    "stitch_client_id": 116078,
    "paused_at": null,
    "id": 120643,
    "display_name": "Heroku",
    "created_at": "2019-01-10T19:36:13Z",
    "report_card": {
      "type": "platform.heroku_pg",
      "current_step": 4,
      "current_step_type": "fully_configured",
      "steps": [
          "type": "form",
          "properties": [
              "name": "anchor_time",
              "is_required": false,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string",
                "format": "date-time"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
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              "is_required": false,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": null,
              "provided": false,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "dbname",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
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              "is_required": false,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string",
                "pattern": "^(true|false)$"
              "provided": false,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "filter_dbs",
              "is_required": false,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string"
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              "is_required": false,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
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              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string",
                "pattern": "^1$|^30$|^60$|^360$|^720$|^1440$"
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              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string",
                "anyOf": [
                    "format": "hostname"
                    "format": "ipv4"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "image_version",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": true,
              "property_type": "read_only",
              "json_schema": null,
              "provided": true,
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              "is_required": false,
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              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
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              "is_required": false,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string",
                "pattern": "^\\d+"
              "provided": false,
              "tap_mutable": false
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              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": true,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
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              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": false,
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              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "integer"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
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              "is_required": false,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string",
                "pattern": "^(true|false)$"
              "provided": false,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "ssh_host",
              "is_required": false,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string",
                "anyOf": [
                    "format": "hostname"
                    "format": "ipv4"
              "provided": false,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "ssh_port",
              "is_required": false,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string",
                "pattern": "^\\d+"
              "provided": false,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "ssh_user",
              "is_required": false,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string"
              "provided": false,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "ssl",
              "is_required": false,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string",
                "pattern": "^(true|false)$"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
              "name": "user",
              "is_required": true,
              "is_credential": false,
              "system_provided": false,
              "property_type": "user_provided",
              "json_schema": {
                "type": "string"
              "provided": true,
              "tap_mutable": false
          "type": "discover_schema",
          "properties": []
          "type": "field_selection",
          "properties": []
          "type": "fully_configured",
          "properties": []


Delete a source

Deletes an existing data source.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit




Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the source to be deleted.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a Source object with a report_card property. The deleted_at attribute will be populated.

DELETE /v4/sources/{source_id}
curl -X "DELETE" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for DELETE /v4/sources/{source_id}



Code Condition Response body

Invalid source ID

      "message":"source not found (<SOURCE_ID>)"


Generate an Import API source access token

Generates a new access token for an existing Import API source.

When using this endpoint, note the following:

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the Import API source.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and an Import API access token object.

Note: The API will only return the Import API access token once, immediately after generation.

POST /v4/sources/{source_id}/tokens
curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for POST /v4/sources/{source_id}/tokens
  "id": 828792559,
  "access_token": "<IMPORT_API_ACCESS_TOKEN>"
Code Condition Response body

Invalid source type

      "message":"invalid source type (platform.<SOURCE_TYPE>)"

Source’s display_name is already in use

      "message":"non-unique name (<NAME>)"

Prohibited arguments

      "message":"POST body may only include a non-empty type, a non-empty display_name and map of string properties"

Invalid name property

      "message":"The name field must be under 50 characters, and can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, or dollar signs. It must begin with a letter or an underscore."

Non-unique name property

      "message":"non-unique name after deriving it from display_name (<DISPLAY_NAME!!!> -> <display_name>)"

Invalid name property

      "message":"invalid name after deriving it from display_name (#### -> )"

Insufficient access to source type

      "message":"you do not have access to source type (platform.<SOURCE_TYPE>)"

Invalid properties data

      "message":"properties do not match schema",

May result from incorrect formatting, incorrect data typing, or a property has a value that is an empty string.


Insufficient account access to cron scheduling feature

      "message":"access to cron_expression based scheduling is not permitted"

Cron expressions can’t specify both a day-of-week and day-of-month

      "message":"cron_expression \"* * * * * *\" is invalid: Support for specifying both a day-of-week AND a day-of-month parameter is not implemented."


Get Import API access token IDs

Lists the IDs of the active access tokens for an existing Import API source.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the Import API source.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and an array containing the IDs of the access tokens associated with the specified Import API source ID.

GET /v4/sources/{source_id}/tokens
curl "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for GET /v4/sources/{source_id}/tokens


Revoke an Import API source access token

Revokes an existing access token for an existing Import API source.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the Import API source.


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the Import API access token to be revoked.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a Source object a report_card property.

DELETE /v4/sources/{source_id}/tokens/{token_id}
curl -X "DELETE" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for DELETE /v4/sources/{source_id}/tokens/{token_id}
  "properties": {},
  "updated_at": "2020-01-02T15:49:27Z",
  "schedule": null,
  "name": "import_api",
  "type": "import_api",
  "deleted_at": null,
  "system_paused_at": null,
  "stitch_client_id": 116078,
  "paused_at": null,
  "id": 126890,
  "display_name": "Import API",
  "created_at": "2020-01-02T15:49:27Z",
  "report_card": {
    "type": "import_api",
    "current_step": 2,
    "current_step_type": "fully_configured",
    "steps": [
        "type": "form",
        "properties": []
        "type": "fully_configured",
        "properties": []
Code Condition Response body

Invalid source ID

      "message":"source not found (<SOURCE_ID>)"

Connection Checks


GET Retrieve a source's last connection check

Retrieves the last connection check for a source by the source’s unique identifier.


The Connection Check object

A Connection Check object shows the results from a test of a connection’s parameters. This is a test performed by Stitch that checks the configuration of a source’s connection parameters. The nature of the test varies by connection type.


The name of the connection check job.


This value will always be check.


The status of the connection check job. Possible values are:

  • running
  • succeeded
  • failed

The date and time the connection check job started.


The date and time the connection check job was completed.


Indicates if the connection check job resulted in an error. This will be true if any of the exit_status properties are non-zero.


The exit status of the connection check job. Possible values are:

  • null - The connection check job is still running
  • 0 - The connection check job was successful
  • 1 - The connection check job was unsuccessful

The exit status of the discovery portion of the connection check job. Possible values are:

  • null - Job is still running
  • 0 - Job was successful
  • Any non-zero value - Discovery failed

Exception message raised when discovery fails during the connection check job. If successful, this will be null.


The exit status of the tap. Possible values are:

  • null - Tap is still running
  • 0 - Tap was successful
  • Any non-zero value - Tap failed

Exception message raised when extraction fails during the job. If successful, this will be null.


The exit status of the target portion of the connection check job. Possible values are:

  • null - Target is still running
  • 0 - Target was successful
  • Any non-zero value - Target failed

This value will always be null.

Example object
  "target_exit_status": null,
  "tap_error_message": null,
  "check_exit_status": 0,
  "name": "116078.244788.check.5c28cfab-8a51-11ea-9197-0ee6b2399f9b",
  "start_time": "2020-04-29T19:41:03Z",
  "mode": "check",
  "tap_exit_status": null,
  "target_error_message": null,
  "discovery_exit_status": 0,
  "status": "succeeded",
  "completion_time": "2020-04-29T19:41:05Z",
  "error": false,
  "discovery_error_message": null


Retrieve a source's last connection check

Retrieves the last connection check for a source by the source’s unique identifier.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit




Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the source.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a single Connection Check object.

GET /v4/sources/{source_id}/last-connection-check
curl "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Responses for GET /v4/sources/{source_id}/last-connection-check

An in progress connection check

  "target_exit_status": null,
  "tap_error_message": null,
  "check_exit_status": null,
  "tap_exit_status": null,
  "discovery_exit_status": null,
  “status”: “running”,
  "completion_time": null,
A successful connection check

  "target_exit_status": null,
  "tap_error_message": null,
  "check_exit_status": 0,
  "name": "116078.122635.check.c5e705e2-1b62-11e9-b0e4-0e61abdd375a",
  "start_time": "2019-01-18T20:51:05Z",
  "mode": "check",
  "tap_exit_status": null,
  "target_error_message": null,
  "discovery_exit_status": 0,
  "status": "succeeded",
  "completion_time": "2019-01-18T20:51:07Z",
  "error": false,
  "discovery_error_message": null
A failed connection check

  "target_exit_status": null,
  "tap_error_message": null,
  "check_exit_status": null,
  "name": "116078.120643.check.fefa6543-19a7-11e9-9068-12a37e8cec78",
  "start_time": "2019-01-16T16:01:34Z",
  "mode": "check",
  "tap_exit_status": null,
  "target_error_message": null,
  "discovery_exit_status": 1,
  "status": "failed",
  "completion_time": "2019-01-16T16:01:36Z",
  "error": true,
  "discovery_error_message": "FATAL:  password authentication failed for user \"\""



GET List streams for a source

Lists the available streams for a source.

GET Retrieve a stream's schema

Retrieves the schema for a source’s stream by the source and stream’s unique identifiers.

PUT Update a stream's metadata

Updates the metadata for streams and fields. This endpoint is used to define the metadata properties returned in the Stream Schema object’s non-discoverable-metadata-keys property.


The Stream object

An object representing a table in a data source.


The stream ID.


Indicates if the stream is selected for replication. Possible values are:

  • null - Only present if a stream has never been selected. Otherwise, this value will be true if selected, and false if de-selected.
  • true - The stream is selected and data will be replicated for all selected fields
  • false - The stream is not selected and data for this stream will not be replicated

The name of the stream. This value may not be unique. For example: A database with multiple schemas can have the same stream name in multiple schemas.


The unique version of the stream name.

For database sources, this value will be the database name, schema name, and table name, combined.


Details about the stream including its selection status, replication details, and key properties.

Example object
  "selected": null,
  "stream_id": 2289176,
  "tap_stream_id": "demni2mf59dt10-heroku-orders",
  "stream_name": "orders",
  "metadata": {
    "database-name": "demni2mf59dt10",
    "selected": null,
    "is-view": false,
    "row-count": 447,
    "schema-name": "heroku",
    "table-key-properties": [
  "selected": true,
  "stream_id": 2375830,
  "tap_stream_id": "demni2mf59dt10-public-customer_view",
  "stream_name": "customer_view",
  "metadata": {
    "database-name": "demni2mf59dt10",
    "selected": true,
    "is-view": true,
    "replication-key": "id",
    "replication-method": "INCREMENTAL",
    "row-count": 125,
    "schema-name": "public",
    "table-key-properties": [],
    "view-key-properties": [
  "selected": true,
  "stream_id": 2288757,
  "tap_stream_id": "abandoned_checkouts",
  "stream_name": "abandoned_checkouts",
  "metadata": {
    "forced-replication-method": "INCREMENTAL",
    "selected": true,
    "table-key-properties": [
    "valid-replication-keys": [


List streams for a source

Lists the available streams for a source.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit




Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the source containing the streams.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and an array of Stream objects, one for each available stream in the source.

GET /v4/sources/{source_id}/streams
curl "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Responses for GET /v4/sources/{source_id}/streams

Streams for a database source

    "selected": null,
    "stream_id": 2289176,
    "tap_stream_id": "demni2mf59dt10-heroku-orders",
    "stream_name": "orders",
    "metadata": {
      "database-name": "demni2mf59dt10",
      "selected": null,
      "is-view": false,
      "row-count": 447,
      "schema-name": "heroku",
      "table-key-properties": [
    "selected": null,
    "stream_id": 2343457,
    "tap_stream_id": "demni2mf59dt10-public-customers",
    "stream_name": "customers",
    "metadata": {
      "database-name": "demni2mf59dt10",
      "selected": null,
      "is-view": false,
      "row-count": 0,
      "schema-name": "public",
      "table-key-properties": [
    "selected": true,
    "stream_id": 2288740,
    "tap_stream_id": "demni2mf59dt10-public-zapier_table",
    "stream_name": "addresses",
    "metadata": {
      "database-name": "demni2mf59dt10",
      "selected": true,
      "is-view": false,
      "replication-method": "FULL_TABLE",
      "row-count": 0,
      "schema-name": "public",
      "table-key-properties": [
    "selected": false,
    "stream_id": 2375830,
    "tap_stream_id": "demni2mf59dt10-public-customer_view",
    "stream_name": "customer_view",
    "metadata": {
      "database-name": "demni2mf59dt10",
      "selected": false,
      "is-view": true,
      "replication-key": "id",
      "replication-method": "INCREMENTAL",
      "row-count": 0,
      "schema-name": "public",
      "table-key-properties": [],
      "view-key-properties": [
Streams for a SaaS source

    "selected": true,
    "stream_id": 2288757,
    "tap_stream_id": "abandoned_checkouts",
    "stream_name": "abandoned_checkouts",
    "metadata": {
      "forced-replication-method": "INCREMENTAL",
      "selected": true,
      "table-key-properties": [
      "valid-replication-keys": [
    "selected": true,
    "stream_id": 2288759,
    "tap_stream_id": "collects",
    "stream_name": "collects",
    "metadata": {
      "forced-replication-method": "INCREMENTAL",
      "selected": true,
      "table-key-properties": [
      "valid-replication-keys": [
    "selected": null,
    "stream_id": 2288758,
    "tap_stream_id": "custom_collections",
    "stream_name": "custom_collections",
    "metadata": {
      "forced-replication-method": "INCREMENTAL",
      "selected": null,
      "table-key-properties": [
      "valid-replication-keys": [
    "selected": null,
    "stream_id": 2288756,
    "tap_stream_id": "customers",
    "stream_name": "customers",
    "metadata": {
      "forced-replication-method": "INCREMENTAL",
      "selected": null,
      "table-key-properties": [
      "valid-replication-keys": [
    "selected": null,
    "stream_id": 2288754,
    "tap_stream_id": "metafields",
    "stream_name": "metafields",
    "metadata": {
      "forced-replication-method": "INCREMENTAL",
      "selected": null,
      "table-key-properties": [
      "valid-replication-keys": [
    "selected": null,
    "stream_id": 2288751,
    "tap_stream_id": "order_refunds",
    "stream_name": "order_refunds",
    "metadata": {
      "forced-replication-method": "INCREMENTAL",
      "selected": null,
      "table-key-properties": [
      "valid-replication-keys": [
    "selected": null,
    "stream_id": 2288753,
    "tap_stream_id": "orders",
    "stream_name": "orders",
    "metadata": {
      "forced-replication-method": "INCREMENTAL",
      "selected": null,
      "table-key-properties": [
      "valid-replication-keys": [
    "selected": null,
    "stream_id": 2288755,
    "tap_stream_id": "products",
    "stream_name": "products",
    "metadata": {
      "forced-replication-method": "INCREMENTAL",
      "selected": null,
      "table-key-properties": [
      "valid-replication-keys": [
    "selected": null,
    "stream_id": 2288752,
    "tap_stream_id": "transactions",
    "stream_name": "transactions",
    "metadata": {
      "forced-replication-method": "INCREMENTAL",
      "selected": null,
      "table-key-properties": [
      "valid-replication-keys": [


Retrieve a stream's schema

Retrieves the schema for a source’s stream by the source and stream’s unique identifiers.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit




Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the source containing the stream.


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the stream to be retrieved.


If successful and valid identifiers were provided, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a single Stream Schema Object.

GET /v4/sources/{source_id}/streams/{stream_id}
curl "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for GET /v4/sources/{source_id}/streams/{stream_id}
  "schema": "{\"properties\":{\"position\":{\"type\":[\"null\",\"integer\"]},\"created_at\":{\"type\":[\"null\",\"string\"],\"format\":\"date-time\"},\"sort_value\":{\"type\":[\"null\",\"string\"]},\"collection_id\":{\"type\":[\"null\",\"integer\"]},\"id\":{\"type\":[\"null\",\"integer\"]},\"product_id\":{\"type\":[\"null\",\"integer\"]},\"updated_at\":{\"type\":[\"null\",\"string\"],\"format\":\"date-time\"},\"featured\":{\"type\":[\"null\",\"boolean\"]}},\"type\":\"object\"}",
  "metadata": [
      "breadcrumb": [],
      "metadata": {
        "forced-replication-method": "INCREMENTAL",
        "selected": true,
        "table-key-properties": [
        "valid-replication-keys": [
      "breadcrumb": [
      "metadata": {
        "inclusion": "available",
        "selected": true
      "breadcrumb": [
      "metadata": {
        "inclusion": "available",
        "selected": false
      "breadcrumb": [
      "metadata": {
        "inclusion": "available",
        "selected": false
      "breadcrumb": [
      "metadata": {
        "inclusion": "automatic",
        "selected": false
      "breadcrumb": [
      "metadata": {
        "inclusion": "available",
        "selected": false
      "breadcrumb": [
      "metadata": {
        "inclusion": "available",
        "selected": false
      "breadcrumb": [
      "metadata": {
        "inclusion": "available",
        "selected": false
      "breadcrumb": [
      "metadata": {
        "inclusion": "automatic",
        "selected": false
  "non-discoverable-metadata-keys": [
Code Condition Response body

Invalid stream ID

invalid stream-id: <STREAM_ID>


Invalid source ID

invalid stream-id: <STREAM_ID>


Update a stream's metadata

Updates the metadata for streams and fields. This endpoint is used to define the metadata properties returned in the Stream Schema object’s non-discoverable-metadata-keys property.

Refer to the Select streams and fields guide for instructions on selecting streams and fields.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the source containing the stream(s).


An array of Stream objects, with each object corresponding to a stream to be updated.

Each object is required to have the following properties:


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a JSON body of:

  "status": 200

Requests for PUT /v4/sources/{source_id}/streams/metadata

Selecting a single stream
curl -X "PUT" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
   "streams": [
       "tap_stream_id": "custom_collections",
       "metadata": [
           "breadcrumb": [],
           "metadata": {
             "selected": true
Selecting a single stream and multiple fields
curl -X "PUT" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
   "streams": [
       "tap_stream_id": "custom_collections",
       "metadata": [
           "breadcrumb": [],
           "metadata": {
             "selected": true
           "breadcrumb": [
           "metadata": {
             "selected": true
           "breadcrumb": [
           "metadata": {
             "selected": true
Selecting multiple streams and fields
curl -X "PUT" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
   "streams": [
        "tap_stream_id": "custom_collections",
        "metadata": [
            "breadcrumb": [],
            "metadata": {
              "selected": true
            "breadcrumb": [
            "metadata": {
              "selected": true
            "breadcrumb": [
            "metadata": {
              "selected": true
        "tap_stream_id": "customers",
        "metadata": [
            "breadcrumb": [],
            "metadata": {
              "selected": true
            "breadcrumb": [
            "metadata": {
              "selected": true
            "breadcrumb": [
            "metadata": {
              "selected": true
Selecting a database table and defining replication
curl -X "PUT" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
   "streams": [
       "tap_stream_id": "demni2mf59dt10-public-customers",
       "metadata": [
           "breadcrumb": [],
           "metadata": {
             "selected": true,
             "replication-method": "INCREMENTAL",
             "replication-key": "updated_at"
           "breadcrumb": [
           "metadata": {
             "selected": true
           "breadcrumb": [
           "metadata": {
             "selected": true
Selecting a database view and defining replication
curl -X "PUT" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
   "streams": [
         "tap_stream_id": "demni2mf59dt10-public-customer_view",
         "metadata": [
             "breadcrumb": [],
             "metadata": {
               "replication-key": "updated_at",
               "view-key-properties": [
               "replication-method": "INCREMENTAL",
               "selected": true
             "breadcrumb": [
             "metadata": {
               "selected": true
             "breadcrumb": [
             "metadata": {
               "selected": true

Responses for PUT /v4/sources/{source_id}/streams/metadata

Applicable to all successful requests

  "status": 200
Code Condition Response body

Missing tap_stream_id

   "invalid_fields":"invalid tap-stream-ids:  [nil]"

Invalid tap_stream_id

   "invalid_fields":"invalid tap-stream-ids:  [<INVALID_TAP_STREAM_ID>]"

Request body includes read-only properties

  "invalid_fields": "only non-discoverable metadata can be produced by the UI: #{\"<PROPERTY_NAME>\"}"

Request body includes unsupported fields

  "invalid_fields": "Unsupported fields cannot be selected by default"}"

Request body is missing streams, breadcrumb, and/or metadata properties

"body must contain a 'streams' property with a list of metadatas by tap_stream_id"

Replication Jobs


POST Start a replication job

Starts a replication job for a source using the source’s unique identifier.

DELETE Stop a replication job

Stops an in-progress replication job for a source using the source’s unique identifier.


The Replication Job object

The three-step process by which Stitch replicates data. A replication job includes three distinct steps: Extraction, preparation, and loading.


A unique identifier for the replication job.

Example object
"job_name": "116078.120643.sync.c12fb0a7-7e4a-11e9-abdc-0edc2c318fba"


Start a replication job

Starts a replication job for a source using the source’s unique identifier.

Note: Stitch allows only one replication job to run at a time. Attempting to start a job when another is in progress will return a status of 200 OK and a single error object. See the Responses tab below for an example.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit




Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the source.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and single Replication Job object.

Note: Stitch allows only one replication job to run at a time. Attempting to start a job when another is in progress will return a status of 200 OK and a single error object.

POST /v4/sources/{source_id}/sync
curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Responses for POST /v4/sources/{source_id}/sync

Replication job successfully started

"job_name": "116078.120643.sync.c12fb0a7-7e4a-11e9-abdc-0edc2c318fba"
Replication not started; another job is in progress

  "error": {
    "type": "already_running",
    "message": "Did not create job for client-id: ; connection-id:  because one already exists"
Code Condition Response body

Replication job is already in progress

  "error": {
    "type": "already_running",
    "message": "Did not create job for client-id: <CLIENT_ID>; connection-id: <SOURCE_ID> because one already exists"

Invalid source ID

  "error": {
    "type": "invalid_source",
    "message": "Unable to locate source(<SOURCE_ID>) for client (<CLIENT_ID>)"

Source has been deleted

  "error": {
    "type": "invalid_source",
    "message": "Integration is deleted."


Stop a replication job

Stops an in-progress replication job for a source using the source’s unique identifier.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit




Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the source.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and an object with a status property with a value of 200.

DELETE /v4/sources/{source_id}/sync
curl -X "DELETE" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for DELETE /v4/sources/{source_id}/sync
  "status": 200



GET List last extraction jobs for an account

Lists the last completed extraction job for each source in a given account that has had a completed extraction job in the past 60 days.

GET Get logs for an extraction job

Retrieves the logs for an extraction job by its unique identifier.


The Extraction object

An object representing an extraction job. Extraction is the first step in a replication job.

An extraction job contains three phases, which occur in this order:

  1. Discovery: This is also referred to as a structure sync. During this phase, Stitch detects the tables and columns available in the source, along with any changes to the structure of those tables and columns.
  2. Tap: During this phase, Stitch replicates data from the source.
  3. Target: During this phase, Stitch sends the replicated data to the Stitch target, or Import API.

Each phase must be successful to proceed to the next phase. If a phase is unsuccessful, the entire extraction job will fail. For example: If discovery is unsuccessful, the entire extraction job will fail.


The name of the extraction job.


The Stitch client account ID associated with the extraction job.


The unique identifier of the source associated with the extraction job.


The name of the tap powering the source. This will typically be in the format of tap-<type>, where type is the name of the tap, or source. For example: A Facebook Ads source will have a tap_name value of tap-facebook.


The date and time the extraction job started.


The date and time the extraction job was completed.


The exit status of the discovery portion of the extraction job. Possible values are:

  • null - Job is still running
  • 0 - Job was successful
  • Any non-zero value - Discovery failed

Exception message raised when discovery fails during the extraction job. If successful, this will be null.


The exit status of the tap. Possible values are:

  • null - Tap is still running
  • 0 - Tap was successful
  • Any non-zero value - Tap failed

Exception message raised when extraction fails during the job. If successful, this will be null.


The exit status of the target portion of the extraction job. Possible values are:

  • null - Target is still running
  • 0 - Target was successful
  • Any non-zero value - Target failed

Exception message raised when the target fails. If successful, this will be null.

Example object
  "target_exit_status": 0,
  "job_name": "116078.233312.sync.e4d8eae5-b23e-11ea-94a1-02cbbd504f7d",
  "start_time": "2020-06-19T15:09:38Z",
  "stitch_client_id": 116078,
  "tap_exit_status": 0,
  "source_type": "tap-recurly",
  "target_description": null,
  "discovery_exit_status": 0,
  "discovery_description": null,
  "tap_description": null,
  "completion_time": "2020-06-19T15:09:43Z",
  "source_id": 233312
  "target_exit_status": 0,
  "job_name": "116078.244788.sync.2deb271f-b23b-11ea-894c-0ee2efcbf789",
  "start_time": "2020-06-19T14:43:03Z",
  "stitch_client_id": 116078,
  "tap_exit_status": 1,
  "source_type": "tap-recurly",
  "target_description": null,
  "discovery_exit_status": 0,
  "discovery_description": null,
  "tap_description": "Response returned http error code 401\n401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url:",
  "completion_time": "2020-06-19T14:43:08Z",
  "source_id": 244788


List last extraction jobs for an account

Lists the last completed extraction job for each source in a given account that has had a completed extraction job in the past 60 days.

Note: This includes paused and deleted sources that have had a completed extraction job in the past 60 days.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit

This endpoint is subject to rate limiting for job resource types. Requests are limited to 30 requests over a 10 minute per client ID.

Note: This limit applies to all requests in aggregate made to endpoints under the jobs resource type.


Responses are paginated. Each page may contain up to 100 records.

Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.

Note: Responses will be paginated.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of a Stitch account.

Note: The client ID must be associated with the provided access token.


A path parameter corresponding to the page of results to retrieve, adhering to the format ?page={page_number}, where {page_number} is the number of the page to retrieve.

Each results set, or page, can contain up to 100 extraction job records. This parameter is only required if you want to retrieve additional pages beyond the first 100 extraction job records. By default, a request to /v4/{stitch_client_id}/extractions is equivalent to a request for page 1 using this parameter.

If an account contains more than 100 extraction job records, the response will include data about subsequent pages that can be used to retrieve them. Refer to the Requests tab for an example.

Refer to the Pagination section for more info on paginating through lists.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and the following properties:


An array of Extraction objects, one for each source that has had a completed extraction job in the past 60 days.

Note: Extraction objects are returned in ascending order by source_id.


The number of the current page of results. Each page of results can contain up to 100 extraction job records.


The total number of extraction job records in the result set.


An object containing links to the next and previous pages of results.

Note: This object will be empty if the result set contains less than 101 extraction job records, or total < 101.

Contains the following properties:


A URL leading to the next paginated set of extraction job results. Use a subsequent GET request to this URL to retrieve the results for this page.

Refer to the Requests tab for an example.


A URL leading to the previous paginated set of extraction job results. Use a subsequent GET request to this URL to retrieve the results for this page.

Refer to the Requests tab for an example.

Requests for GET /v4/{stitch_client_id}/extractions

Retrieving the first page of results
curl "{stitch_client_id/extractions" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Retrieving the second page of results
curl "{stitch_client_id/extractions?page=2" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Responses for GET /v4/{stitch_client_id}/extractions

Result set with less than 100 extraction records

  "data": [
      "target_exit_status": null,
      "job_name": "116078.123241.sync.43b3c535-b208-11ea-94a1-02cbbd504f7d",
      "start_time": "2020-06-19T08:38:35Z",
      "stitch_client_id": 116078,
      "tap_exit_status": null,
      "source_type": "tap-toggl",
      "target_description": "Terminated",
      "discovery_exit_status": null,
      "discovery_description": "Terminated",
      "tap_description": "Terminated",
      "completion_time": "2020-06-19T14:38:35Z",
      "source_id": 123241
      "target_exit_status": null,
      "job_name": "116078.123246.sync.9c6672c4-8a4c-11ea-840a-12021e29a739",
      "start_time": "2020-04-29T19:07:03Z",
      "stitch_client_id": 116078,
      "tap_exit_status": null,
      "source_type": "tap-toggl",
      "target_description": "Terminated",
      "discovery_exit_status": null,
      "discovery_description": "Terminated",
      "tap_description": "Terminated",
      "completion_time": "2020-04-30T01:07:03Z",
      "source_id": 123246
  "page": 1,
  "total": 2,
  "links": {}
Result set with more than 100 extraction records

  "data": [
      "target_exit_status": null,
      "job_name": "116078.123241.sync.43b3c535-b208-11ea-94a1-02cbbd504f7d",
      "start_time": "2020-06-19T08:38:35Z",
      "stitch_client_id": 116078,
      "tap_exit_status": null,
      "source_type": "tap-toggl",
      "target_description": "Terminated",
      "discovery_exit_status": null,
      "discovery_description": "Terminated",
      "tap_description": "Terminated",
      "completion_time": "2020-06-19T14:38:35Z",
      "source_id": 123241
      "target_exit_status": null,
      "job_name": "116078.123246.sync.9c6672c4-8a4c-11ea-840a-12021e29a739",
      "start_time": "2020-04-29T19:07:03Z",
      "stitch_client_id": 116078,
      "tap_exit_status": null,
      "source_type": "tap-toggl",
      "target_description": "Terminated",
      "discovery_exit_status": null,
      "discovery_description": "Terminated",
      "tap_description": "Terminated",
      "completion_time": "2020-04-30T01:07:03Z",
      "source_id": 123246
      "target_exit_status": 0,
      "job_name": "116078.228068.sync.2ca63ab0-8a4e-11ea-840a-12021e29a739",
      "start_time": "2020-04-29T19:18:14Z",
      "stitch_client_id": 116078,
      "tap_exit_status": 1,
      "source_type": "tap-shopify",
      "target_description": null,
      "discovery_exit_status": 0,
      "discovery_description": null,
      "tap_description": "Response(code=401, body=\"b'{\"errors\":\"[API] Invalid API key or access token (unrecognized login or wrong password)\"}'\", headers={'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff', 'CF-RAY': '58bb5e36f82eea86-IAD', 'X-ShopId': '4007166025', 'Content-Security-Policy': \"default-src 'self' data: blob: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://* shopify-pos://*; block-all-mixed-content; child-src 'self' https://* shopify-pos://*; connect-src 'self' wss://* https://*; frame-ancestors 'none'; img-src 'self' data: blob: https:; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; upgrade-insecure-requests; report-uri /csp",
      "completion_time": "2020-04-29T19:18:17Z",
      "source_id": 228068
      "target_exit_status": 0,
      "job_name": "116078.233312.sync.e4d8eae5-b23e-11ea-94a1-02cbbd504f7d",
      "start_time": "2020-06-19T15:09:38Z",
      "stitch_client_id": 116078,
      "tap_exit_status": 0,
      "source_type": "tap-recurly",
      "target_description": null,
      "discovery_exit_status": 0,
      "discovery_description": null,
      "tap_description": null,
      "completion_time": "2020-06-19T15:09:43Z",
      "source_id": 233312
      "target_exit_status": 0,
      "job_name": "116078.244788.sync.2deb271f-b23b-11ea-894c-0ee2efcbf789",
      "start_time": "2020-06-19T14:43:03Z",
      "stitch_client_id": 116078,
      "tap_exit_status": 1,
      "source_type": "tap-recurly",
      "target_description": null,
      "discovery_exit_status": 0,
      "discovery_description": null,
      "tap_description": "Response returned http error code 401\n401 Client Error: Unauthorized for url:",
      "completion_time": "2020-06-19T14:43:08Z",
      "source_id": 244788
  "page": 1,
  "total": 102,
  "links": {
    "next": "/v4/116078/extractions?page=2"
Code Condition Response body

The provided access token has been disabled, deleted, or doesn’t have access to the provided Stitch client ID.



The requested extraction job doesn’t exist.



Get logs for an extraction job

Retrieves the logs for an extraction job by its unique identifier. If successful, Stitch will redirect you to the Amazon S3 bucket where logs are stored, at which point you can download the logs for the provided extraction job_name.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit

This endpoint is subject to rate limiting for job resource types. Requests are limited to 30 requests over a 10 minute per client ID.

Note: This limit applies to all requests in aggregate made to endpoints under the jobs resource type.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of a Stitch account.

Note: The client ID must be associated with the provided access token.


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the extraction job to be retrieved.

Make a request to GET /v4/{stitch_client_id}/extractions to retrieve the most recent extraction jobs for the specified Stitch account.


If successful, the API will return a status of 302 Found. The Location header field in the response will contain a URL where you can download the logs for the specified extraction job.

GET /v4/{stitch_client_id}/extractions/{job_name}
curl "{stitch_client_id/extractions/116078.233312.sync.e4d8eae5-b23e-11ea-94a1-02cbbd504f7d" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for GET /v4/{stitch_client_id}/extractions/{job_name}
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, X-Stitch-Csrf-Token
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
Access-Control-Max-Age: 604800
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2020 00:58:50 GMT
Server: nginx/1.10.2
Content-Length: 0
Connection: Close
Code Condition Response body

The provided access token has been disabled, deleted, or doesn’t have access to the provided Stitch client ID.



The requested extraction job doesn’t exist.




GET List last loads for an account

Lists the most recent load attempt for each stream (table) in a given account.


The Load object

An object representing a load job for a stream. Loading is the last step in a replication job.


The Stitch client ID associated with the load.


The unique name of the source. This will correspond to the name of the destination schema or dataset where Stitch loads data for this source.


The name of the stream (table) associated with the load.


The date and time the last batch was loaded for the stream (stream_name).

Note: If the load for the stream is currently in an error state, this will be null.


If the error was unsuccessful, this object will contain data about the reason for the failure.

Note: This object and its attributes are subject to change. We don’t recommend relying on its data, as the structure may be altered in the future.

Example object
  "stitch_client_id": 116078,
  "source_name": "heroku",
  "stream_name": "customers",
  "last_batch_loaded_at": "2020-06-23T01:35:47Z",
  "error_state": null
  "stitch_client_id": 116078,
  "source_name": "recurly",
  "stream_name": "accounts",
  "last_batch_loaded_at": null,
  "error_state": {
    "notification_data": {
      "message": "establish a connection to your data warehouse",
      "exception_message": "establish a connection to your data warehouse",
      "warehouse_error_code": 500151,
      "error": "LOADER_WAREHOUSE_ERROR",
      "new_column": null,
      "status": "ERROR",
      "warehouse_sql_state": "HY000",
      "action": "get-connection",
      "warehouse_message": "[Simba][SparkJDBCDriver](500151) Error setting/closing session: Open Session Error.",
      "column": null
    "exception_chain": [
        "class": "clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo",
        "message": "establish a connection to your data warehouse",
        "chain_sequence_num": 0,
        "action": "get-connection"


List last loads for an account

Lists the most recent load attempt for each stream (table) in a given account.

Note: This includes streams that have had an attempted load attempt in the past 60 days.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit

This endpoint is subject to rate limiting for job resource types. Requests are limited to 30 requests over a 10 minute per client ID.

Note: This limit applies to all requests in aggregate made to endpoints under the jobs resource type.


Responses are paginated. Each page may contain up to 100 records.

Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.

Note: Responses will be paginated.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of a Stitch account.

Note: The client ID must be associated with the provided access token.


A path parameter corresponding to the page of results to retrieve, adhering to the format ?page={page_number}, where {page_number} is the number of the page to retrieve.

Each results set, or page, can contain up to 100 load attempt records. This parameter is only required if you want to retrieve additional pages beyond the first 100 load attempt records. By default, a request to /v4/{stitch_client_id}/loads is equivalent to a request for page 1 using this parameter.

If an account contains more than 100 load attempt records, the response will include data about subsequent pages that can be used to retrieve them. Refer to the Requests tab for an example.

Refer to the Pagination section for more info on paginating through lists.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and the following properties:


An array of Load objects, one for each stream that has had an attempted load in the past 60 days.

Note: Load objects are returned in ascending order by stream_id.


The number of the current page of results. Each page of results can contain up to 100 load attempt records.


The total number of load attempt records in the result set.


An object containing links to the next and previous pages of results.

Note: This object will be empty if the result set contains less than 101 load attempt records, or total < 101.

Contains the following properties:


A URL leading to the next paginated set of load attempt results. Use a subsequent GET request to this URL to retrieve the results for this page.

Refer to the Requests tab for an example.


A URL leading to the previous paginated set of load attempt results. Use a subsequent GET request to this URL to retrieve the results for this page.

Refer to the Requests tab for an example.

Requests for GET /v4/{stitch_client_id}/loads

Retrieving the first page of results
curl "{stitch_client_id}/loads" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Retrieving the second page of results
curl "{stitch_client_id}/loads?page=2" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Responses for GET /v4/{stitch_client_id}/loads

Result set with less than 100 load attempt records

               "message":"establish a connection to your data warehouse",
               "exception_message":"establish a connection to your data warehouse",
               "warehouse_message":"[Simba][SparkJDBCDriver](500151) Error setting/closing session: Open Session Error.",
                  "message":"establish a connection to your data warehouse",
Result set with more than 100 load attempt records

               "message":"establish a connection to your data warehouse",
               "exception_message":"establish a connection to your data warehouse",
               "warehouse_message":"[Simba][SparkJDBCDriver](500151) Error setting/closing session: Open Session Error.",
                  "message":"establish a connection to your data warehouse",
    "page": 1,
    "total": 102,
    "links": {
      "next": "/v4/116078/loads?page=2"
Code Condition Response body

The provided access token has been disabled, deleted, or doesn’t have access to the provided Stitch client ID.




POST Create a custom email

Creates a custom email notification recipient.

PUT Disable a custom email

Disables (pauses) an existing custom email notification recipient.

PUT Re-enable a custom email

Re-enables (unpauses) an existing custom email notification recipient.

GET List custom emails

Retrieves a list of all custom email notification recipients for a Stitch account.

DELETE Delete a custom email

Deletes an existing custom email notification recipient.

POST Create a webhook

Creates a hook notification.

PUT Disable a webhook

Disables an existing hook notification.

PUT Re-enable a webhook

Re-enables a disabled hook notification.

GET List webhooks

Retrieves a list of all hook notifications for a Stitch account.

DELETE Delete a webhook

Deletes an existing hook notification.


The Notification object

An object representing a notification configuration in Stitch. This applies to the Custom email notification list and Post-load hook features.


The notification ID.


The ID of the Stitch client account.


The time at which the notification was created.


Applicable to hook notifications only. The time at which the notification was last modified.


The time at which the notification was disabled. This will be null unless the notification has been disabled.


Applicable to custom email notifications only. The email address of the custom notification recipient.


Applicable to hook notifications only. The version of the hook service the notification is using.


Applicable to hook notifications only. The type of the notification. This will be post_load.


Applicable to hook notifications only. The configuration for the hook.

Contains the following properties:


Applicable to hook notifications only. The Stitch destination that will trigger the hook notification.


Applicable to hook notifications only. The webhook URL that Stitch should deliver hook notifications to.

Example object
  "id": 21,
  "client_id": 116078,
  "email_address": "",
  "created_at": "2019-07-16T17:35:25Z",
  "disabled_at": null
  "id": 8,
  "client_id": 116078,
  "type": "post_load",
  "version": 1,
  "config": {
    "destination_id": "destination_12345"
    "url": ""
  "created_at": "2019-07-17T17:30:37Z",
  "modified_at": "2019-07-17T17:30:37Z",
  "disabled_at": null


Create a custom email

Creates a custom email notification recipient. Note: To use this endpoint, your Stitch plan must include access to the Custom notification list feature.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


The email address that custom email notifications should be sent to.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a single Custom Email Notification object.

POST /notifications/public/v1/api/custom-emails
curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
   "email_address": ""
Response for POST /notifications/public/v1/api/custom-emails
  "id": 22,
  "client_id": 116078,
  "email_address": "",
  "created_at": "2019-07-16T19:49:51Z",
  "disabled_at": null
Code Condition Response body

email_address property is missing or invalid

  "error": {
    "message": {
      "email_address": "Required. Must be valid email address format."

Account has reached the maximum number of allowed custom emails. The current limit is 10.

  "error": {
    "message": "Account not authorized to create additional custom notification email addresses."

Account doesn’t have access to the Custom notification list feature

  "error": {
    "message": "Account not authorized to create custom notification email addresses."


Disable a custom email

Disables (pauses) an existing custom email notification recipient. Note: To use this endpoint, your Stitch plan must include access to the Custom notification list feature.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the custom notification recipient to be paused.


The time the custom notification was paused. This field must contain an ISO 8601-compliant date. Note: Providing any value - past, present, or future - for this property will pause the custom notification recipient immediately if the request is successful.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and single object with a disabled_at property.

PUT /notifications/public/v1/api/custom-emails/{id}
curl -X "PUT" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
   "disabled_at": "2019-06-01T00:00:00Z"
Response for PUT /notifications/public/v1/api/custom-emails/{id}
  "disabled_at": "2019-06-01T00:00:00Z"
Code Condition Response body

disabled_at property is missing or invalid

  "disabled_at": "<INVALID_VALUE>"

Notification ID is missing or invalid

  "status": "NOT FOUND"


Re-enable a custom email

Re-enables (unpauses) an existing custom email notification recipient. Note: To use this endpoint, your Stitch plan must include access to the Custom notification list feature.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the custom notification recipient to be re-enabled.


To re-enable a custom notification recipient, this value must be null.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and single object with a disabled_at property with a null value.

PUT /notifications/public/v1/api/custom-emails/{id}
curl -X "PUT" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
   "disabled_at": null
Response for PUT /notifications/public/v1/api/custom-emails/{id}
  "disabled_at": null
Code Condition Response body

disabled_at property is missing or invalid

  "disabled_at": "<INVALID_VALUE>"

Notification ID is missing or invalid

  "status": "NOT FOUND"


List custom emails

Retrieves a list of all custom email notification recipients for a Stitch account. This includes custom notification recipients that have been disabled. Note: To use this endpoint, your Stitch plan must include access to the Custom notification list feature.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and an array of Custom Email Notification objects, one for each custom notification recipient.

GET /notifications/public/v1/api/custom-emails
curl "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for GET /notifications/public/v1/api/custom-emails
    "id": 22,
    "client_id": 116078,
    "email_address": "",
    "created_at": "2019-07-16T19:49:51Z",
    "disabled_at": null
    "id": 23,
    "client_id": 116078,
    "email_address": "",
    "created_at": "2019-07-16T20:43:51Z",
    "disabled_at": null


Delete a custom email

Deletes an existing custom email notification recipient. Note: To use this endpoint, your Stitch plan must include access to the Custom notification list feature.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit




Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the custom notification recipient to be deleted.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and an array containing 1, indicating that one custom notification recipient was successfully deleted.

DELETE /notifications/public/v1/api/custom-emails/{id}
curl -X "DELETE" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for DELETE /notifications/public/v1/api/custom-emails/{id}


Create a webhook

Creates a hook notification. Note: To use this endpoint, your Stitch plan must include access to the Post-load hooks feature.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


The type of hook notification to be created. This must be post_load.


The Stitch destination that will trigger the hook notification.


The configuration details of the hook.

Contains the following properties:


The webhook URL that Stitch should deliver hook notifications to.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a single Hook notification object.

POST /notifications/public/v1/api/hooks
curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
   "destination_id": 12345,  
Response for POST /notifications/public/v1/api/hooks
  "id": 8,
  "client_id": 116078,
  "type": "post_load",
  "version": 1,
  "destination_id": 12345
  "config": {
    "url": ""
  "created_at": "2019-07-17T17:30:37Z",
  "modified_at": "2019-07-17T17:30:37Z",
  "disabled_at": null
Code Condition Response body

Missing or prohibited arguments

  "data": {
    "message": "Invalid POST body"
  "error": "InvalidBody"

Account doesn’t have access to the Hook notification feature

  "error": {
    "message": "Client does not have access to hooks."

Account has reached the maximum number of allowed hook notifications. The current limit is 10.

  "error": {
    "message": "You have exceeded the limit of [LIMIT] hooks."


Disable a webhook

Disables an existing hook notification. Note: To use this endpoint, your Stitch plan must include access to the Post-load hooks feature.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the hook notification to be paused.


Controls whether a hook notification is active or not. To disable a hook, this value must be false.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a single Hook notification object with a populated disabled_at property.

PUT /notifications/public/v1/api/hooks/{id}
curl -X "PUT" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
Response for PUT /notifications/public/v1/api/hooks/{id}
  "id": 8,
  "client_id": 116078,
  "type": "post_load",
  "version": 1,
  "config": {
    "url": ""
  "created_at": "2019-07-16T16:47:54Z",
  "modified_at": "2019-07-17T16:04:29Z",
  "disabled_at": "2019-07-17T16:04:29Z"
Code Condition Response body

Missing or incorrectly typed boolean argument, or prohibited arguments

  "data": {
    "message": "PUT body must only contain boolean 'enable' key"
  "error": "InvalidBody"


Re-enable a webhook

Re-enables a disabled hook notification. Note: To use this endpoint, your Stitch plan must include access to the Post-load hooks feature.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the hook notification to be re-enabled.


Controls whether a hook notification is active or not. To re-enable a hook, this value must be true.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a single Hook notification object with a null disabled_at property.

PUT /notifications/public/v1/api/hooks/{id}
curl -X "PUT" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d \
Response for PUT /notifications/public/v1/api/hooks/{id}
  "id": 8,
  "client_id": 116078,
  "type": "post_load",
  "version": 1,
  "config": {
    "url": ""
  "created_at": "2019-07-16T16:47:54Z",
  "modified_at": "2019-07-17T16:04:29Z",
  "disabled_at": null
Code Condition Response body

Missing or incorrectly typed boolean argument, or prohibited arguments

  "data": {
    "message": "PUT body must only contain boolean 'enable' key"
  "error": "InvalidBody"


List webhooks

Retrieves a list of all hook notifications for a Stitch account. This includes hooks that have been disabled. Note: To use this endpoint, your Stitch plan must include access to the Post-load hooks feature.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit


Request body

The request body must be valid JSON and contain the required arguments.



Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a post_load property containing an array of Hook Notification objects, one for each hook notification in the Stitch account.

GET /notifications/public/v1/api/hooks
curl "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for GET /notifications/public/v1/api/hooks
  "post_load": [
      "id": 8,
      "client_id": 116078,
      "type": "post_load",
      "version": 1,
      "config": {
        "url": ""
      "created_at": "2019-07-16T16:47:54Z",
      "modified_at": "2019-07-16T16:47:54Z",
      "disabled_at": null
      "id": 9,
      "client_id": 116078,
      "type": "post_load",
      "version": 1,
      "config": {
        "url": ""
      "created_at": "2019-07-16T16:51:20Z",
      "modified_at": "2019-07-16T16:51:20Z",
      "disabled_at": null
      "id": 10,
      "client_id": 116078,
      "type": "post_load",
      "version": 1,
      "config": {
        "url": ""
      "created_at": "2019-07-17T15:54:25Z",
      "modified_at": "2019-07-18T15:36:53Z",
      "disabled_at": "2019-07-18T15:36:53Z"


Delete a webhook

Deletes an existing hook notification. Note: To use this endpoint, your Stitch plan must include access to the Post-load hooks feature.

Resource list
Request method


Resource URL



Required. The request header must contain Authorization and your access token.

Request header

The request header must contain the following:

  • Authorization: Must specify Bearer Auth, e.g. Bearer: <ACCESS_TOKEN>

  • Content-Type: Must specify JSON, e.g. application/json

See the Request tab below for an example request.

Rate limit




Response format

Whether the request succeeds or fails, the API will return JSON.


See the Errors tab, below.


This endpoint accepts the following parameters:


A path parameter corresponding to the unique ID of the hook notification to be deleted.


If successful, the API will return a status of 200 OK and a null body.

DELETE /notifications/public/v1/api/hooks/{id}
curl -X "DELETE" "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response for DELETE /notifications/public/v1/api/hooks/{id}
Code Condition Response body

Invalid hook notification ID

  "error": "NotFound"

Connection property objects

Stitch connects to a large, diverse universe of applications and data warehouses, each of which is configured differently. Connection property objects contain the properties necessary to create a source or destination object.

Refer to the Connection Property Object Reference for details about these objects and the info required to configure them.

Data structures

OBJECT Connection Step

Contained in a Source or Destination Report Card object, the Connection Steps object contains the steps necessary to configure a data source or destination.

OBJECT Custom Email Notification

A Custom Email Notification object contains information about an email address configured in the account’s Custom Notification list.

OBJECT Destination Report Card

A Destination Report Card object contains information about a destination’s connection configuration.

OBJECT Details

Contained in a Source or Destination Report Card object, the Details object contains information about a connection type’s availability within Stitch.

OBJECT Hook Notification

A Hook Notification object contains information about a webhook configured in the account’s Post-load hook list.

OBJECT Import API access token

An Import API access token object contains a single Import API access token. Access tokens are valid only for the Import API source they are created for.

Note: The API will only return the Import API access token once, immediately after a successful request to the Generate Import API access token endpoint.

OBJECT Metadata

A Metadata object describes a stream’s schema and the current state of its configuration in Stitch, including its selection status, field inclusion list, Primary Keys, and Replication Method.

Refer to the Select streams and fields guide for instructions on selecting streams and fields.

OBJECT Properties

A Properties object contains the properties necessary to complete a connection step. Returned within a Source or Destination object, these properties provide information about the configuration status of the connection.

OBJECT Schedule

Contained in a Source object, the Schedule object describes the schedule used by the source.

Stitch supports three replication scheduling methods:

  • Replication Frequency
  • Anchor Scheduling
  • Advanced (cron) Scheduling

Refer to the Replication Scheduling for Sources Using the Connect API guide for more info and examples.

OBJECT Source Report Card

A Source Report Card object contains information about a source’s connection configuration.

OBJECT Stream Schema

A Stream Schema object contains information needed to select a stream and its fields for replication.


The Connection Step object

Contained in a Source or Destination Report Card object, the Connection Steps object contains the steps necessary to configure a data source or destination.


The type of step. Possible values are:

  • form - The first step in every source’s creation.
  • oauth - If required, the OAuth step for the source’s creation. Note: OAuth properties may be provided alongside form properties in a single POST or PUT request. A separate request isn’t necessary.
  • profile - If required, the profile selection step. For example: Selecting a Facebook Ads profile.
  • discover_schema - The step in which Stitch performs a structure sync to detect the streams and fields available in the source.
  • field_selection - The step in which streams and fields are selected for replication.
  • fully_configured - Achieved when the source has a successful connection and field_selection is complete.

An array of Properties objects.

Example object



The Details object

Contained in a Source or Destination Report Card object, the Details object contains information about a connection type’s availability within Stitch.


Indicates whether the Stitch client who made the request has access to the connection.

This value is based on the connection’s pricing_tier and pipeline_state. If the Stitch client is using a plan that doesn’t meet the pricing_tier requirement, the access value will be false. For example: If pricing_tier: enterprise,the Stitch client must be on an Enterprise plan to access the source.

All connections with a pipeline_state value of deprecated will also have an access value of false.


Applicable only to source report cards. The default frequency_in_minutes value for the source.


Indicates the type of Stitch plan required to use the connection. Possible values are:

  • standard - Any Stitch plan can use the connection.
  • enterprise - An Enterprise Stitch plan is required to use the connection.

Applicable only to source report cards. The default start_date value for the source.


The connection type’s release status in Stitch. Possible values are:

  • alpha - The connection is in development and is not available in Stitch.
  • beta - The connection is in open or closed beta and is available in Stitch.
  • released - The connection is in general release and available in Stitch.
  • deprecated - The connection has been deprecated and is no longer available in Stitch.

The type of the connection. For example: snowflake or platform.facebook

Example object

      "default_start_date": null,


The Import API access token object

An Import API access token object contains a single Import API access token. Access tokens are valid only for the Import API source they are created for.

Note: The API will only return the Import API access token once, immediately after a successful request to the Generate Import API access token endpoint.


The unique identifier for this Import API access token.


An Import API access token. This token is valid only for the Import API source it is created for.

Example object

  "id": 828792559,
  "access_token": "<IMPORT_API_ACCESS_TOKEN>"


The Metadata object

A Metadata object describes a stream’s schema and the current state of its configuration in Stitch, including its selection status, field inclusion list, Primary Keys, and Replication Method.

Refer to the Select streams and fields guide for instructions on selecting streams and fields.


An array of strings describing a path into the schema. For example:

  • A value of [] refers to the entire schema, or stream
  • A value of ["properties", "<FIELD_NAME>"] refers to the properties.<FIELD_NAME> portion of the schema. For example: ["properties", "id"] would refer to a field named id

An object containing metadata associated with the breadcrumb. The type of metadata object depends on the breadcrumb:

Example object

            "sql-datatype":"timestamp with time zone"

The Field-level Metadata object

Contained in a Metadata object, the Field-level metadata object contains information about a field’s inclusion in a stream’s field selection list.

Refer to the Field selection and compatibility rules guide for info about selection and compatibility rules.


Indicates when a field will be included. Possible values are:

  • automatic - The field is included all the time, regardless of selected-by-default and selected values
  • available - The field is available for selection. The field will be included if selected-by-default or selected is true.
  • unsupported - The field is unsupported and will not be included, regardless of selected-by-default and selected values

If a field is unsupported, the unsupported-description attribute may provide additonal information.


Indicates whether a field should be included in a stream’s field selection list. This value will be present only if the stream containing the field is selected (selected: true).

  • null - The value has not been set
  • true - The field is selected
  • false - The field is not selected

Indicates if a field will be selected by default. Possible values are:

  • null - The value has not been set
  • true - The field is selected by default and is included regardless of the selected value
  • false - The field is not selected by default. The field will be included if the selected value is true.

For database sources only. The data type of a column from a database.


For Google Analytics sources only. An array of strings containing the ‘cubes’ the field is a part of. A cube is a group of metrics and dimensions that are compatible together.

We recommend using Google’s Dimensions and Metrics Explorer to test combinations of metrics and dimensions for compatibility.

For Google Analytics sources only. The group the field belongs to. Possible values are:

  • Ad Exchange
  • Adsense
  • Adwords
  • App Tracking
  • Audience
  • Channel Grouping
  • Content Experiments
  • Content Grouping
  • Custom Variables or Columns
  • DoubleClick Bid Manager
  • DoubleClick Campaign Manager
  • DoubleClick Search
  • DoubleClick for Publishers
  • DoubleClick for Publishers Backfill
  • Ecommerce
  • Event Tracking
  • Exceptions
  • Geo Network
  • Goal Conversions
  • Internal Search
  • Lifetime Value and Cohorts
  • Page Tracking
  • Platform or Device
  • Publisher
  • Report Fields
  • Session
  • Site Speed
  • Social Activities
  • Social Interactions
  • System
  • Time
  • Traffic Sources
  • User
  • User Timings

For Google Analytics and Google Ads sources only. The type of field. Possible values are:

  • ATTRIBUTE - Goolgle Ads sources only
  • DIMENSION - Google Analytics sources only
  • SEGMENT - Goolgle Ads sources only

Note: This property won’t be present for Google Analytics fields where Report Fields.


A list of arrays, each array containing an array of strings that correspond to fields that are incompatible when the current field is selected.

For example: If the metadata for a DeviceOS field contains a fieldExclusion of ["properties":"ImpressionLostToBidPercent"], then the DeviceOS and ImpressionLostToBidPercent fields cannot be selected together in the stream.

Refer to the example tabs below for an example of this property.


The reason a field is unsupported (inclusion: unsupported). Note: This is not available for all sources.

Example object

      "sql-datatype":"double precision",
  "metadata": {
    "fieldExclusions": [
    "inclusion": "available"
      "unsupported-description":"this field is unsupported by the Bulk API.",

The Stream-level Metadata object

Contained in Metadata and Stream objects, the Stream-level Metadata object contains information about a stream’s configuration in Stitch. This includes information about its selection status, Replication Method, Replication Keys, and key properties.


For database sources only. The name of the database containing the stream.


Indicates which Replication Method is required for the stream. Possible values are:


For database sources only. Indicates if the stream is a database view.


Indicates the field being used as the stream’s Replication Key.


The Replication Method the stream uses to replicate data. Accepted values are:


For database sources only. The number of rows (records) in the stream.


For database sources only. The name of the schema containing the stream.


Indicates whether a stream should be set to replicate. Accepted values are:

  • true - The stream is selected and data for selected fields will be replicated
  • false - The stream is not selected and no data will be replicated

An array of strings listing the fields that make up the key properties of the table. These are the table’s defined Primary Keys.


An array of strings indicating the fields valid for use as Replication Keys in Key-based Incremental Replication (replication-method: INCREMENTAL).

Note: For SaaS sources, the fields listed in this array are pre-defined by Stitch and will be used as the Replication Keys for the stream. They cannot be modified.


For database sources only. An array of strings listing the fields that make up the key properties of the view.


For Google Analytics sources only. An array of strings listing all the ‘cubes’ available in the Google Analytics source. A cube is a group of metrics and dimensions that are compatible together.

We recommend using Google’s Dimensions and Metrics Explorer to test combinations of metrics and dimensions for compatibility.

Example object

  "metadata": {
    "database-name": "demni2mf59dt10",
    "selected": true,
    "is-view": false,
    "replication-method": "FULL_TABLE",
    "row-count": 13,
    "schema-name": "public",
    "table-key-properties": [
  "metadata": {
    "database-name": "demni2mf59dt10",
    "selected": true,
    "is-view": true,
    "row-count": 156,
    "schema-name": "heroku",
    "view-key-properties": [
  "metadata": {
    "forced-replication-method": "INCREMENTAL",
    "selected": true,
    "table-key-properties": [
    "valid-replication-keys": [


The Custom Email Notification object

A Custom Email Notification object contains information about an email address configured in the account’s Custom Notification list.


The notification ID.


The ID of the Stitch client account.


The time at which the notification was created.


The time at which the notification was last modified.


The time at which the notification was disabled. This will be null unless the notification has been disabled.


The email address of the custom notification recipient.

Example object

  "id": 21,
  "client_id": 116078,
  "email_address": "",
  "created_at": "2019-07-16T17:35:25Z",
  "disabled_at": null


The Hook Notification object

A Hook Notification object contains information about a webhook configured in the account’s Post-load hook list.


The notification ID.


The ID of the Stitch client account.


The time at which the notification was created.


The time at which the notification was last modified.


The time at which the notification was disabled. This will be null unless the notification has been disabled.


The type of the notification. Possible values are:

  • post_load

The version of the hook service the notification is using.


The configuration for the hook.

Contains the following properties:


The webhook URL that Stitch should deliver hook notifications to.

Example object

  "id": 9,
  "client_id": 116078,
  "type": "post_load",
  "version": 1,
  "config": {
    "url": ""
  "created_at": "2019-07-16T16:51:20Z",
  "modified_at": "2019-07-16T16:51:20Z",
  "disabled_at": null


The Properties object

A Properties object contains the properties necessary to complete a connection step. Returned within a Source or Destination object, these properties provide information about the configuration status of the connection.


The name of the property.


If true, the property is required for complete configuration.


If true, the property is a credential or otherwise sensitive data. Note: Values for this property won’t be returned by the API.


This property has been deprecated. Use the property_type property instead.


Indicates the type of the property. Possible values are:

  • read_only - Indicates the property is read-only and not settable by the API. Generally, this is an internal field set inside of Stitch.

  • system_provided_by_default - Indicates the property used to be system_provided: true, but can now be set by the user. These are generally properties associated with OAuth for generating refresh and access tokens. Note: Use caution when setting these properties, as using incorrect values can put the connection into a non-functioning state.

  • user_provided - Indicates the property must be set by the user.

  • user_provided_immutable - Indicates that the property must be set by the user, but once set, its value can’t be changed.

  • user_provided_advanced - Indicates that the property may be set by the user, but should be done with caution. Inputting incorrect values can put the connection into a non-functioning state.


Note: Data will only be returned for this array if property_type is not read_only. If property_type: read_only, this property will be null.

An array containing:

  • type - A string indicating the expected data type of the property’s value. For example: boolean
  • pattern - A string indicating the expected pattern of the property’s value. For example: ^\\d+$
  • anyOf - A series of arrays containing key-value pairs for the type and format combinations Stitch will accept as the property’s value. For example:

      "anyOf": [
              "type": "string",
              "format": "ipv4"
              "type": "string",
              "format": "ipv6"
              "type": "string",
              "format": "hostname"

If true, the property has been provided. For properties where property_type: user_provided, this indicates that the user has provided the property.


This is an internal field and is for Stitch use only.

Example object

  "name": "frequency_in_minutes",
  "is_required": false,
  "is_credential": false,
  "system_provided": false,
  "property_type": "user_provided",
  "json_schema": {
    "type": "string",
    "pattern": "^1$|^30$|^60$|^360$|^720$|^1440$"
  "provided": false,
  "tap_mutable": false
  "name": "image_version",
  "is_required": true,
  "is_credential": false,
  "system_provided": true,
  "property_type": "read_only",
  "json_schema": null,
  "provided": false,
  "tap_mutable": false
  "name": "client_id",
  "is_required": true,
  "is_credential": true,
  "system_provided": true,
  "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
  "json_schema": {
    "type": "string"
  "provided": false,
  "tap_mutable": false


The Destination Report Card object

A Destination Report Card object contains information about a destination’s connection configuration.


The index (in the steps array) of the current step needed to configure the destination.


A Details object contains information about a connection type’s availability within Stitch.


A sequential list of Connection Step objects required to complete configuration for the connection type.


The destination connection type. For example: postgres or redshift

Example object

  "type": "redshift",
  "current_step": 1,
  "current_step_type": "form",
  "steps": [
      "type": "form",
      "properties": [
          "name": "database",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false
          "name": "encryption_host",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "anyOf": [
                "type": "string",
                "format": "ipv4"
                "type": "string",
                "format": "ipv6"
                "type": "string",
                "format": "hostname"
          "provided": false
          "name": "encryption_port",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^\\d+$"
          "provided": false
          "name": "encryption_type",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^(ssh|none)$"
          "provided": false
          "name": "encryption_username",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false
          "name": "host",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "anyOf": [
                "type": "string",
                "format": "ipv4"
                "type": "string",
                "format": "ipv6"
                "type": "string",
                "format": "hostname"
          "provided": false
          "name": "password",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": true,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false
          "name": "port",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^\\d+$"
          "provided": false
          "name": "username",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false
      "type": "fully_configured",
      "properties": []
  "details": {
    "pricing_tier": "standard",
    "pipeline_state": "released",
    "protocol": "redshift",
    "access": true


The Source Report Card object

A Source Report Card object contains information about a source’s connection configuration.


The index (in the steps array) of the current step needed to configure the data source.


A Details object contains information about a connection type’s availability within Stitch.


A sequential list of Connection Step objects required to complete configuration for the connection type.


The connection type. Ex: platform.mysql or platform.hubspot

Example object

  "type": "platform.mysql",
  "current_step": 1,
  "current_step_type": "form",
  "steps": [
      "type": "form",
      "properties": [
          "name": "allow_non_auto_increment_pks",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^(true|false)$"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "anchor_time",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "date-time"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "check_hostname",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^(true|false)"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "cron_expression",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": null,
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "database",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "filter_dbs",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "frequency_in_minutes",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^1$|^30$|^60$|^360$|^720$|^1440$"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "host",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "anyOf": [
                "format": "hostname"
                "format": "ipv4"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "image_version",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": true,
          "property_type": "read_only",
          "json_schema": null,
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "password",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": true,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "port",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^\\d+"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "server_id",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^\\d+$"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "ssh",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^(true|false)"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "ssh_host",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "anyOf": [
                "format": "hostname"
                "format": "ipv4"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "ssh_port",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^\\d+"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "ssh_user",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "ssl",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^(true|false)"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "ssl_ca",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "ssl_cert",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "ssl_client_auth_enabled",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^(true|false)"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "ssl_key",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": true,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false,
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          "is_required": true,
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          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "use_log_based_replication",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^(true|false)$"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
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          "is_required": false,
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          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^(true|false)"
          "provided": false,
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      "type": "discover_schema",
      "properties": []
      "type": "field_selection",
      "properties": []
      "type": "fully_configured",
      "properties": []
  "details": {
    "pricing_tier": "standard",
    "pipeline_state": "released",
    "default_scheduling_interval": 30,
    "default_start_date": null,
    "protocol": "platform.mysql",
    "access": true
  "type": "platform.hubspot",
  "current_step": 1,
  "current_step_type": "form",
  "steps": [
      "type": "form",
      "properties": [
          "name": "anchor_time",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "date-time"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "cron_expression",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": null,
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "frequency_in_minutes",
          "is_required": false,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^1$|^30$|^60$|^360$|^720$|^1440$"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "image_version",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": true,
          "property_type": "read_only",
          "json_schema": null,
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "start_date",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": false,
          "system_provided": false,
          "property_type": "user_provided",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T00:00:00Z$"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
      "type": "oauth",
      "properties": [
          "name": "client_id",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": true,
          "system_provided": true,
          "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "client_secret",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": true,
          "system_provided": true,
          "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "redirect_uri",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": true,
          "system_provided": true,
          "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string",
            "format": "uri"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
          "name": "refresh_token",
          "is_required": true,
          "is_credential": true,
          "system_provided": true,
          "property_type": "system_provided_by_default",
          "json_schema": {
            "type": "string"
          "provided": false,
          "tap_mutable": false
      "type": "discover_schema",
      "properties": []
      "type": "field_selection",
      "properties": []
      "type": "fully_configured",
      "properties": []
  "details": {
    "pricing_tier": "standard",
    "pipeline_state": "released",
    "default_scheduling_interval": 30,
    "default_start_date": "-30 days",
    "protocol": "platform.hubspot",
    "access": true


The Schedule object

Contained in a Source object, the Schedule object describes the schedule used by the source.

Stitch supports three replication scheduling methods:

  • Replication Frequency
  • Anchor Scheduling
  • Advanced (cron) Scheduling

Refer to the Replication Scheduling for Sources Using the Connect API guide for more info and examples.


The type of schedule. Possible values are:

  • interval - Applicable to Replication Frequency and Anchor Scheduling
  • cron - Applicable to Advanced (cron) scheduling

Applicable to interval-based schedules only. The interval used by the schedule, according to the unit value.

For example: If unit: minute and interval: 60.0, the schedule is based on an interval of 60 minutes.


Applicable to interval-based schedules only. The unit of measurement for the schedule. This will be minute.


Applicable to cron-based schedules only. A valid Quartz cron expression representing the replication schedule for the integration.


A timestamp indicating the next time the source is scheduled to run a replication job.

Example object

  "type": "interval",
  "unit": "minute",
  "interval": 60.0,
  "next_fire_time": "2020-06-22T19:00:00Z"
  "type": "cron",
  "cron_expression": "0 0 12 ? * MON-FRI *",
  "next_fire_time": "2020-06-22T12:00:00Z"


The Stream Schema object

A Stream Schema object contains information needed to select a stream and its fields for replication.


The JSON schema describing the stream’s fields.


An array of Metadata objects.


An array of strings corresponding to metadata keys that can be modified.

Example object

  "schema": "{\"definitions\":{\"sdc_recursive_boolean_array\":{\"items\":{\"$ref\":\"#/definitions/sdc_recursive_boolean_array\"},\"type\":[\"null\",\"boolean\",\"array\"]},\"sdc_recursive_integer_array\":{\"items\":{\"$ref\":\"#/definitions/sdc_recursive_integer_array\"},\"type\":[\"null\",\"integer\",\"array\"]},\"sdc_recursive_number_array\":{\"items\":{\"$ref\":\"#/definitions/sdc_recursive_number_array\"},\"type\":[\"null\",\"number\",\"array\"]},\"sdc_recursive_timestamp_array\":{\"format\":\"date-time\",\"items\":{\"$ref\":\"#/definitions/sdc_recursive_timestamp_array\"},\"type\":[\"null\",\"string\",\"array\"]},\"sdc_recursive_object_array\":{\"items\":{\"$ref\":\"#/definitions/sdc_recursive_object_array\"},\"type\":[\"null\",\"object\",\"array\"]},\"sdc_recursive_string_array\":{\"items\":{\"$ref\":\"#/definitions/sdc_recursive_string_array\"},\"type\":[\"null\",\"string\",\"array\"]}},\"type\":\"object\",\"properties\":{\"age\":{\"maximum\":2147483647,\"type\":[\"null\",\"integer\"],\"minimum\":-2147483648},\"has_magic\":{\"type\":[\"null\",\"boolean\"]},\"name\":{\"type\":[\"null\",\"string\"]},\"id\":{\"maximum\":2147483647,\"type\":[\"integer\"],\"minimum\":-2147483648}}}",
  "metadata": [
      "breadcrumb": [
      "metadata": {
        "sql-datatype": "integer",
        "selected-by-default": true,
        "inclusion": "available"
      "breadcrumb": [],
      "metadata": {
        "database-name": "demni2mf59dt10",
        "schema-name": "public",
        "table-key-properties": [
        "row-count": 0,
        "is-view": false
      "breadcrumb": [
      "metadata": {
        "sql-datatype": "integer",
        "selected-by-default": true,
        "inclusion": "automatic"
      "breadcrumb": [
      "metadata": {
        "sql-datatype": "text",
        "selected-by-default": true,
        "inclusion": "available"
      "breadcrumb": [
      "metadata": {
        "sql-datatype": "boolean",
        "selected-by-default": true,
        "inclusion": "available"
  "non-discoverable-metadata-keys": [
  "schema": "{\"type\":\"object\",\"properties\":{\"id\":{\"type\":[\"null\",\"integer\"]},\"sort_value\":{\"type\":[\"null\",\"string\"]},\"product_id\":{\"type\":[\"null\",\"integer\"]},\"updated_at\":{\"type\":[\"null\",\"string\"],\"format\":\"date-time\"},\"featured\":{\"type\":[\"null\",\"boolean\"]},\"position\":{\"type\":[\"null\",\"integer\"]},\"created_at\":{\"type\":[\"null\",\"string\"],\"format\":\"date-time\"},\"collection_id\":{\"type\":[\"null\",\"integer\"]}}}",
  "metadata": [
      "breadcrumb": [
      "metadata": {
        "selected": false,
        "inclusion": "available"
      "breadcrumb": [],
      "metadata": {
        "selected": true,
        "valid-replication-keys": [
        "table-key-properties": [
        "forced-replication-method": "INCREMENTAL"
      "breadcrumb": [
      "metadata": {
        "selected": false,
        "inclusion": "available"
      "breadcrumb": [
      "metadata": {
        "selected": false,
        "inclusion": "automatic"
      "breadcrumb": [
      "metadata": {
        "selected": true,
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      "breadcrumb": [
      "metadata": {
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      "breadcrumb": [
      "metadata": {
        "selected": false,
        "inclusion": "available"
      "breadcrumb": [
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        "selected": false,
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      "breadcrumb": [
      "metadata": {
        "selected": false,
        "inclusion": "automatic"
  "non-discoverable-metadata-keys": [